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Processing collections with Kiama

Up: Context, Prev: Case Classes, Next: Rewritable

IMPORTANT NOTE: This page describes Kiama 1.x. Much of it also applies to Kiama 2.x, but not all. Please consult the 2.x release notes for the main differences. We are currently writing comprehensive documentation for 2.x that will eventually replace these pages.

It is often the case that data to be processed by Kiama is formed using Scala collection classes, such as sets, vectors and maps.

Structures encoded using collections can be rewritten or can have attribute values defined for them.

Attribution is defined as usual by attributes that are independent of the data structure.

Rewriting of collections is currently supported for any collection that is GenTraversable or is a Map, relying on the foreach method to gain access to elements of the collection. Also, the Rewritable class provides an interface that can be used to implement rewriting of arbitrary structures.

For example, consider the following structure

val m1 = Map (Set (1, 3) -> 0, Set (2, 4, 6) -> 0)
val m2 = Map (Set (12, 16) -> 0, Set (23) -> 0)
val l = List (m1, m2)

which is a list of maps where the keys are sets and the values are integers (all zero).

We can rewrite the data structure l as follows to replace the zero values in the map with the sizes of the sets that are the map keys.

val strat = rule { case (s : Set[_], _) => (s, s.size) }
rewrite (everywhere (strat)) (l)

The result is

List(Map(Set(1, 3) -> 2, Set(2, 4, 6) -> 3), Map(Set(12, 16) -> 2, Set(23) -> 1))

(Note that a List is Traversable, but Kiama treats it as a Product so that its elements are regarded as immediate descendants of the list, not as descendants of the constituent :: values.)

At the moment, rewriting of collections is only available for sequential collections. We are working on an update to extend this support to parallel collections.

Collections and Attributable node properties

Collections interact in a special way with the node properties provided by the Attributable class. Specifically, if a collection is present in the tree structure, it will be ignored when it comes to determining node parents and children. The motivation is that usually you don’t want to attach attributes to the collections but to the problem-specific nodes that contain the collections, since the latter contribute the semantic structure.

For example, suppose that a problem-specific node P contains a list child that in turn contains C nodes. The P node will act as the container of the C nodes, even though the list is actually holding them. The C nodes will have their parent properties set to the P node, not the list. Similarly, the P node will have the C nodes in its children property.

Up: Context, Prev: Case Classes, Next: Rewritable