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Overview of Kiama’s support for strategy-based rewriting

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This page describes Kiama 1.x. Much of it also applies to Kiama 2.x, but not all. Please consult the 2.x release notes for the main differences. We are currently writing comprehensive documentation for 2.x that will eventually replace these pages.

This page provides an overview of Kiama’s support for strategy-based rewriting. For the context in which this part of the library operates, see Context. Rewriting is used in the following examples.

More information about Kiama rewriting can be found via the Research page.


Many language processing tasks are best formulated as program transformation problems. Examples include desugaring of high-level language constructs into combinations of more basic ones, evaluation of languages such as lambda calculus by repeated application of reduction rules, optimisation of languages by application of transformations designed to improve program efficiency and translation from a source language to a target language.

Kiama supports program transformation via a form of strategy-based term rewriting, heavily based on the Stratego language and library. Most transformations that can be expressed by Stratego can written in a similar fashion in Kiama and hence much of the Stratego documentation and literature also applies to Kiama. Exceptions will be noted in the following.

The Kiama rewriting library is in the object org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.rewriting.Rewriter. Import the types and methods you need from that object. (There is also an Rewriter trait so you can mix it in with your own functionality.)

For example,

import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.rewriting.Rewriter._

imports all names from that object.

The rewriting library uses Term to refer to the type of data that can be rewritten. This type is defined to be Any. Usually custom structures are implemented with case classes which are automatically supported by Kiama’s generic traversals, as are traversable collections. See Context for more information.


The basic unit of computation in strategy-based rewriting is the strategy which are represented by values of the Strategy type in Kiama. When applied to a particular term, a strategy either succeeds, producing a rewritten term, or fails. The term that a strategy is operating on is the subject term.

A strategy in Kiama is a function from the subject term to an Option value, where Some (t) represents a successful rewrite to a new subject term t and None represents failure.

abstract class Strategy extends (Term => Option[Term]) { ... }

Since Strategy is abstract, strategies must be created using the combinators described in the following.

A strategy s can be applied to a particular subject term t by simply applying it as a normal Scala function, i.e., using s (t). The resulting Option value can be pattern-matched as usual.

rewrite provides a more convenient way to apply strategies.

def rewrite (s : => Strategy) (t : Term) : Term

rewrite (s) (t) applies the strategy s to the term t. If s succeeds, rewrite returns the term that results; if s fails, rewrite returns t.

Basic strategies

The most basic strategies in Kiama are id, which always succeeds and returns the subject term unchanged, and fail, which always fails.

Another kind of basic strategy is constructed by the term method:

def term (t : Term) : Strategy

term (t) succeeds if and only if the subject term is the term t.

It is sometime useful to set the subject term to be a specific term. This can be done in Kiama using build.

def build (t : => Term) : Strategy

build (t) returns a strategy that always succeeds with result t.

Sometimes you already have an Option[Term] value that you want to inject into the strategy world. For example, you might have a method that searches a data structure for something, returning an Option to indicate whether it was there or not. option makes a strategy that succeeds or fails depending on its argument option value. If the option is a Some then the strategy will succeed with the wrapped value, otherwise it will fail.

def option (o : Option[Term]) : Strategy

Strategies from functions

One way to create non-trivial strategies in Kiama is by starting with a regular Scala function and using the strategy and strategyf combinators to lift them to Strategy.

def strategy (f : Term ==> Option[Term]) : Strategy
def strategyf (f : Term => Option[Term]) : Strategy

(T ==> U is a Kiama-wide alias for PartialFunction[T,U].)

If you already have a (possibly partial) function from Term to Option[Term] then you can use strategy or strategyf to make it into a strategy. The strategy resulting from an application of strategy will succeed if and only if the argument function f produces Some (t) for some result term t when applied to the subject term. If f is not defined or produces None, then the strategy will fail. Similarly, the strategy resulting from an application of strategyf will succeed or fail entirely based on the return value of f.

As an example of the use of strategyf, the id and fail combinators can be defined as follows.

val fail = strategyf (_ => None)
val id = strategyf (t => Some (t))

Another example that is defined using strategyf is debug (s) which is the same as id, except that it prints the string s followed by the subject term as a side-effect. (Kiama also has log and logfail combinators that are useful for printing messages as rewriting proceeds.)

A common use case for strategy is when a strategy is defined directly in terms of another strategy (or combination of strategies). For example, given issubterm that matches on a pair of terms (x,y) and succeeds if x is a sub-term of y, we can define issuperterm as follows.

val issuperterm : Strategy =
    strategy {
        case (x, y) => issubterm (y, x)

Rewrite rules

A rewrite rule is a strategy that performs pattern matching on the subject term and, depending on the result of the match, returns a new subject term. In Kiama, rewrite rules are built using the rule, rulef and rulefs combinators.

def rule (f : Term ==> Term) : Strategy
def rulef (f : Term => Term) : Strategy
def rulefs (f : Term ==> Strategy) : Strategy

rule and rulef operate similarly to strategy and strategyf, except that the argument function f must return a Term instead of an Option[Term]. Thus, a strategy constructed using rulef cannot fail and one constructed using rule only fails if the f is not defined at the subject term.

In Scala it is possible to create anonymous partial functions in a convenient fashion using pattern matching expressions. Here is an example of the most common usage style for rule.

rule {
   case Add (Num (i), Num (j)) => Num (i + j)
   case Sub (Num (i), Num (j)) => Num (i - j)

Patterns are used in this rule to deconstruct the subject term, check for a particular structure and bind the variables i and j to components of that structure. The bound variables are used to help construct the result terms. If the subject term does not match either of the given patterns, then the rule fails.

rulefs is slightly different to rule and rulef in that its argument returns a strategy, not a term. The returned strategy is applied to the subject term. Therefore, rulefs is most useful in situations where you want to match some pattern to bind some variables, then use those variables in another strategy. See the File: ParLazy.scala of the lambda2 example for uses of rulefs.

Stratego allows the use of concrete syntax in strategies. For example Add (Num (i), Num (j)) might be written |[ i + j ]| with the aid of a parser for the source language. Kiama does not currently support concrete syntax.


A variant of a rule is a query that always succeeds, but is run for its side-effects. For example, a query might be used to extract information from a term without changing it. In Kiama queries are created using the query combinator.

def query[T] (f : Term ==> T) : Strategy

query (f) (t) always succeeds with result t regardless of the result of f (t). For example, given

var vars = Set[String]()

a query

query { case Var (s) => vars += s }

might be used to collect variable accesses from within a term. (See below for how to specify the term traversal.)

As for strategy and rule, there is queryf version of query that takes a total function instead of a partial one.

Combining local strategies

The combinators described so far suffice to define simple local transformations, but more is needed to define realistic transformations of whole terms. First, we describe how to combine strategies that are applied to the same part of the term, then later, how to traverse a term to apply strategies to different sub-terms.

The following methods are available in the Strategy class to combine a strategy with another.

def <* (q : => Strategy) : Strategy
def <+ (q : => Strategy) : Strategy
def + (q : => Strategy) : PlusStrategy

The simplest combination of two strategies p and q is the sequence of p then q, written p <* q. (Stratego uses a semicolon operator for sequencing, but this is unavailable to us in Scala.) p <* q first applies p to the subject term. If it succeeds, q is then applied to the result of p. The success or failure of q is then the outcome for the whole sequence. If p fails, then the sequence fails without q being applied.

p <+ q expresses a deterministic choice between p and q. If p succeeds when applied to the subject term, then its result is the result of the choice. If p fails, then q is applied to the subject term and its success or failure is the outcome for the choice.

p + q is non-deterministic choice, where either p or q may be applied first. In Kiama, non-deterministic choice is currently implemented as deterministic choice.

Three strategies p, q and r can be combined in a conditional choice expression p < q + r using the < combinator:

def < (q : => PlusStrategy) : Strategy

p < q + r first applies p to the subject term. If it succeeds, then q is applied to the result of p to determine the overall outcome. If p fails, then r is applied to the original subject term to determine the outcome.

See the discussion of library strategies below for examples of the use of the sequence and choice combinators.

Bound variable scope

Because Kiama uses regular Scala pattern matching, the scope of bound variables in patterns is just the right-hand side of the matching case. This situation contrasts with Stratego where pattern matching is a fundamental construct that enables bindings to be propagated through applications of the basic combinators. For example, in Stratego it is possible to bind a variable in one component of a sequence and use the variable in a later component of the sequence. This cannot be done in the same way in Kiama since the bindings occur within rules, not at the strategy level. Instead it would be necessary to invoke the second component of the sequence in the right-hand side of the case that binds the relevant variables.


The combinators described so far do not enable traversal into a subject term. There are a number of ways to achieve a traversal.

In Kiama, as in Stratego, one way to perform traversal is to explicitly encode it. For example, assuming we have

def eval (exp : Exp) : Exp

we can explicitly apply eval to components of a term, thereby encoding a traversal into the term. For example,

rule {
    case App (e1, e2)       => App (eval (e1), eval (e2))
    case Let (x, t, e1, e2) => Let (x, t, eval (e1), eval (e2))
    case Opn (op, e1, e2)   => Opn (op, eval (e1), eval (e2))

A more generic and composable approach to traversal is provided by the all, one and some combinators that Kiama inherits from Stratego.

def all (s : => Strategy) : Strategy
def one (s : => Strategy) : Strategy
def some (s : => Strategy) : Strategy

all constructs a strategy that applies the strategy s to all of the children of the subject term t in left-to-right order. If s succeeds on all of the children, a new subject term is created using the constructor of t and the rewritten children. If s fails on any child of t, then the application of all (s) fails.

one and some are similar to all. one applies s to the children as for all except that it succeeds as soon as application of s to a child c succeeds. some provides a middle ground between all and one as it builds a result that contains rewritten children for just the children on which s succeeds.

Examples of the use of the generic traversal combinators are given later on this page.


In Stratego it is common to use congruences to define traversals. For example, the congruence App (eval, eval) would specify the same traversal as the case App (e1, e2) => App (eval (e1), eval (e2)) case in the above example. A congruence in Stratego terminology is a strategy that is defined to apply other strategies to selected parts of a particular structure. For example, the congruence App (s1, s2) applies the s1 strategy to the first component of an App term and the s2 strategy to the second component. The congruence fails if the term is not an App, or if either of s1 and s2 fails.

Congruences are very convenient for specifying fixed patterns of traversal. Kiama offers some support for them, but cannot provide exactly the same semantics without some support from the developer. To use a congruence on one of your data structures, you need to provide a function like the one below for each constructor.

def App (s1 : => Strategy, s2 : => Strategy) : Strategy =
    rulefs {
        case _ : App =>
            congruence (s1, s2)

Now, App (s1, s2) can be used to get the desired behaviour. This function ensures two things: that the congruence is applied to exactly two strategies (since App has two children) and that the resulting strategy only works for App terms. The actual work of applying the strategies and constructing the new term is done by the generic Kiama function congruence. In this case we have named the congruence App to emphasise the connection to the App type, but in modules where the App constructor needs to be used as well, a different name should be used for the congruence.

Preservation of terms under absence of rewriting

The generic traversal combinators, congruences, and any other Kiama combinator that provides generic access to a term’s children, preserve the subject term if no rewriting actually occurs. In other words, if a strategy constructed by them succeeds but makes no change to the children of the subject term, then the strategy succeeds with the subject term itself. This property means a strategy that simply traverses a structure to collect some information, but performs no actual rewriting, will not build a new structure; it will just return the old one.

Strategy library

Kiama includes many useful combinators from the Stratego library. A few are presented here to illustrate higher-order strategies and the Kiama combinators. Consult the Kiama API documentation for a complete list.

attempt constructs a strategy that applies s, restoring the original term if s fails. (In Stratego attempt is called try which is unavailable to Kiama since it is a Scala keyword.)

def attempt (s : => Strategy) : Strategy =
    s <+ id

repeat repeatedly applies s to the subject term until it fails, returning the term resulting from the last successful application.

def repeat (s : => Strategy) : Strategy =
    attempt (s <* repeat (s))

reduce is similar to repeat except it also tries to apply s to a sub-term.

def reduce (s : => Strategy) : Strategy = {
    def x : Strategy = some (x) + s
    repeat (x)

topdown constructs a strategy that applies s in a top-down, prefix fashion. s is first applied to the subject term. If that succeeds, all is used to recursively apply topdown (s) to the children of the result. The traversal into each branch of the tree stops whenever s fails.

def topdown (s : => Strategy) : Strategy =
    s <* all (topdown (s))

In contrast, bottomup applies s in the opposite direction.

def bottomup (s : => Strategy) : Strategy =
    all (bottomup (s)) <* s

A common idiom is to combine rewrite rules that apply to different kinds of terms using a choice combinator. For example, given rules for beta reduction and arithmetic operation evaluation in lambda calculus

val beta =
    rule {
        case App (Lam (x, _, e1), e2) => substitute (x, e2, e1)

val arithop =
    rule {
        case Opn (op, Num (l), Num (r)) => Num (op.eval (l, r))

we can combine them into an evaluator that repeatedly reduces expressions as follows.

reduce (beta + arithop)

Finally, as noted earlier, Kiama deals with variable bindings in patterns in a different way to Stratego since Kiama uses standard Scala patterns. As a result it is sometime useful to invoke a strategy in the definition of another strategy after performing pattern matching. For example, a strategy issubterm might be defined in Stratego as follows.

issubterm =
    ?(x, y); where(<oncetd(?x)> y)

In this definition the pattern match ?(x,y) is binding x and y for use in the second part of the sequence. In Kiama issubterm can be written as follows.

val issubterm : Strategy =
    strategy {
        case (x : Term, y : Term) => where (oncetd (term (x))) (y)


Usually the structure that is being rewritten is a tree. Therefore, usually care must be taken to ensure that the rewritten structure is also a tree. In particular, if you rewrite a term so that it appears more than once in the new term, you will probably want to clone it before inserting it into the new term.

Cloning is particularly important if you are going to perform attribution on the new structure, since attributes are associated with nodes. If a node appears more than once in the structure it will have the same attributes at each place, which is probably not what you want. Kiama’s Attributable trait provides clone and deepclone operations that can be used to avoid this problem.

In some cases it is ok to produce structures that are graphs, particularly acyclic ones. In those cases, you should be able to do without cloning copied nodes.


As in Stratego, Kiama currently treats terms as generic values, so, for example, there is no difference in type between a strategy that transforms an Exp into an Exp and one that transforms an Exp into something else. We are investigating ways to use Scala’s type system to provide more static safety.

Although terms are generic values from the strategy perspective, of course construction of specific terms using case class constructors is statically checked by Scala’s type system. This eliminates one potential source of errors when writing rewrite rules, in particular.


Sometimes it is useful to be able to intercede in the rewriting process in a way that is specific to the problem that is being solved. For example, when are rewriting terms that contain source coordinate positions it is often important to copy positions into the new terms. The normal Kiama rewriter doesn’t do this, but there is a callback mechanism that can be used to achieve this effect.

The CallbackRewriter extension of Rewriter performs the same rewrites as Rewriter, but each rewriting operation will also call a method rewriting that you can define.

def rewriting[T <: Term] (oldTerm : T, newTerm : T) : T

rewriting will be passed the term that is being rewritten (oldTerm) and the term it is being rewritten into (newTerm). It should return a term of the same type, which would usually be newTerm, but doesn’t have to be.

rewriting will be called for each rewriting operation performed by strategies that are constructed by rule and related methods as well as the product duplication operation performed during generic traversals. Note that in the case of rule and similar, rewriting will only be called on the root of a term that matches the left-hand side of a rule and the root of the term that it is being rewritten into. If you want to affect terms inside the new term, for example, you will need to do that in rewriting.

The PositionalRewriter extension of CallbackRewriter defines the rewriting method to copy positions from the old terms to the new terms. Terms that implement scala.util.parsing.input.Positional are recognised as having positions by this operation.

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