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Overview of Kiama’s support for abstract state machines

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This page describes Kiama 1.x. Much of it also applies to Kiama 2.x, but not all. Please consult the 2.x release notes for the main differences. We are currently writing comprehensive documentation for 2.x that will eventually replace these pages.

This page provides an overview of Kiama’s support for abstract state machines. Abstract state machines are used in the following examples.



The dynamic semantics of programming languages are often defined in terms of formal machines. These machines are defined by instruction sets that specify the operations that the machine can perform, a machine state that describes the information that is maintained as the machine executes, and evaluation rules that specify how each type of instruction affects the machine state.

For example, languages such as Java and C# are executed on abstract machines implemented by the Java Virtual Machine or the .Net runtime. Functional programming languages are often defined by machines that perform stepwise reduction of function applications or more complex processes such as graph reduction for lazy evaluation.

Kiama’s abstract state machine library provides a way to specify these kinds of machines in a high-level way. Abstract state machines were originally developed to provide a formal notation for generalisations of finite state machines. The idea is that instead of the state of the machine being a single discrete value, it can comprise multiple values of arbitrary structured data.

Kiama’s abstract state machine library allows you to implement these kinds of machines in a high-level way. Abstract state machines were originally developed to provide a theory for generalisations of finite-state machines. In a finite-state machine the states are single discrete atomic values. In abstract state machines the states comprise multiple state items, each of which can be a structured value.

Abstract state machines have been used to formally specify many dynamic processes and their refinement to implementations. In Kiama we are primarily interested in using them to implement abstract machines in a way that closely matches their formal specification, particularly for language prototyping.

Kiama provides a form of abstract state machine that is quite similar to those seen in formal treatments. The rest of this page describes how to write abstract state machines in Kiama. The running example is the simple RISC machine from the RISC example, which is based on the machine described in Wirth’s book Compiler Construction.

Abstract state machines in Kiama

The base class of a Kiama abstract machine is org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.machine.Machine.

package org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.machine

abstract class Machine (val name : String, emitter : Emitter = new Emitter)

The name argument is used to identify the machine in trace messages. The emitter is used to produce output and defaults to standard output.

To define a new machine, you inherit from Machine. In the RISC example, the machine is implemented by the RISC class which is constructed from the code sequence that is to be run, a console from which input should be read and an emitter to which output should be sent.

import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.machine.Machine
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.util.Console
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.util.Emitter

class RISC (code : Code, console : Console, emitter : Emitter)
       extends Machine ("RISC", emitter)

RISC code sequences

The Code type is a sequence of machine instructions. The actual instructions are essentially as defined by Wirth and are typical of RISC machines. They are defined here by case classes in the usual Scala way. We show a few typical examples; see the code for a complete list.

type Code = Seq[Instr]

type RegNo = Byte

abstract class Instr

case class MOV (a : RegNo, b : Int, c : RegNo) extends Instr
case class ADD (a : RegNo, b : RegNo, c : RegNo) extends Instr
case class CMPI (b : RegNo, im : Int) extends Instr
case class LDW (a : RegNo, b : RegNo, im : Int) extends Instr
case class BEQ (val label : Int) extends Branch
case class RET (c : RegNo) extends Instr

MOV is a move from register c to register a with a shift c. ADD is a register to register addition. CMPI sets condition codes based on a comparison between a register value and an immediate value. LDW is a load from a memory location to register a; the memory address is given by the second and third arguments. BEQ performs a displacement branch if the previous comparison indicated that the two compared values were equal. Finally, RET returns from a sub-routine call using the return address stored in the given register, or halts the program if it is the main subroutine that is returning.

Abstract state machine basics

The state of an abstract state machine comprises distinct named structured values that we call state items. Each state item is initially undefined and may become defined as the machine executes.

The state items are updated by the transition rules of the machine. The effect of executing the transition rules is that zero or more state items are updated.

A crucial property of abstract state machines is that the updates to state items made in one step are not visible until the next execution step. In other words, the updates happen simultaneously at the end of the step. If a particular state item is updated more than once by a single step, the updates are required to be consistent, in that they must all update the state item to the same value. The machine will abort if inconsistent updates are performed.

Execution continues stepwise in this fashion until a step in which no updates are performed, at which time the machine halts. An update that happens to not change the value of a state item is still an update as far as machine termination goes.

RISC machine state

In the following we will define an abstract machine to execute RISC machine code sequences. The main state items of the machine are a register file called R and a memory called Mem.

The register file is indexed by the number of the register. We assume 32 registers, so the indexes will be 0 to 31. Most of the registers are used for general purposes, but some are special: 28 is the program counter, 29 is the frame pointer, 30 is stack pointer and 31 is the link register that holds return addresses during subroutine calls.

The memory consists of words addressed by integer addresses and is assumed to be arbitrarily large for the purposes of this example.

As well as the registers and memory, the machine has two condition codes Z and N, which are set by the comparison instructions and tested by the conditional branches. Z is set if two compared values are equal, while N is set if the first value is strictly less than the second value.

Simple state items

The simplest state items of an abstract machine are values of type State[T], where T is the type of the underlying value. The State constructor has a parameter sname which is used to identify the state item in trace messages.

class State[T] (sname : String)

We can therefore define the Z and N state items as follows.

val Z = new State[Boolean] ("Z")
val N = new State[Boolean] ("N")

The machine also has a simple Boolean state item halt that indicates whether it should keep executing or not.

val halt = new State[Boolean] ("halt")

Parameterised state items

Simple state items are sufficient for many purposes, but it is common to want parameterised state where many state values are collectively named and indexed by a parameter. Kiama provides ParamState to implement parameterised state items.

class ParamState[T,U] (val sname : String) extends State[HashMap[T,U]] (sname)

A parameterised state item is implemented as a simple state item whose value is a map.

In the RISC machine, the register file is parameterised by the register number.

val R = new ParamState[RegNo,Int] ("R")

Aliases are declared for the special purpose registers such as the program counter (PC) and the link register used for return addresses in subroutine calls (LNK). These definitions use a function call notation to access a particular component of the parameterised state item R.

val PC = R (28)
val FP = R (29)
val SP = R (30)
val LNK = R (31)

The memory of the RISC machine is also represented by a parameterised state item, where the parameter in this case is the memory address.

val Mem = new ParamState[Int,Int] ("Mem")


Initialisation of state is performed by the init transition rule. Machine provides a default definition that does nothing. Most machines override this definition to properly initialise their state items. We say that uninitialised state items are undefined and any attempt to use their values causes the machine to abort.

Transition rules are implemented by regular Scala functions or methods, using a special assignment notation to indicate state updates. Here is the initialisation for the RISC machine that sets the program counter to the beginning of the code sequence, ensures that register zero is zero, clears the condition codes, and sets the halt flag to false.

override def init {
   PC := 0
   R (0) := 0
   Z := false
   N := false
   halt := false

When a rule wants to record a state update for the current step, it uses the := operator instead of a normal Scala assignment statement. The left-hand side of an update can be a simple state item or a parameterised state item indexed by an appropriate value. The right-hand side of an update can be any expression with a value of the appropriate type.

As discussed above, the recorded updates do not actually happen until the end of the current step. All uses of a state item within a single step will see the same value. The updates are recorded for consistency checking at the end of the step and, if the updates are consistent, the affected state items will be updated at that point before the next step begins.

To preserve the formal properties of a machine, all state changes that affect the operation of the transition rules should be performed via updates of State or ParamState values, rather than by side-effects on Scala variables.

The main transition rule

Every abstract machine must define a main transition rule. It is called once for each step of the machine. main can perform state updates itself, or more usually, it calls other functions or methods that implement different aspects of the machine’s semantics.

In the RISC machine the main rule is

def main {
   if (!halt)
       execute (code (PC))

This rule checks that the machine is not supposed to halt, and if so, runs the execute rule on the instruction at the current program counter location. Recall that PC is the alias for the part of the register state associated with index 28. The state implementation is hidden, so that the value can be accessed as if PC was just a regular integer value.

Executing instructions

The execute rule takes the current instruction as a parameter and calls other rules that handle each of the different classes of machine instruction.

def execute (instr : Instr) {
   arithmetic (instr)
   memory (instr)
   control (instr)
   inputoutput (instr)

As defined here, execute does not care which of the other functions actually handles the instruction. In fact, zero or more of the functions may do so, depending on how the machine semantics has been decomposed. All that matters is that the state updates performed by the functions are consistent.

In the decomposition used in the example, each of the rules arithmetic, memory, control and inputoutput deals with a subset of the instruction types and ignores the other types. Since every side-effect that can affect the operation of the machine is performed using a deferred update on a state item, the order in which the functions are called does not matter.

To execute arithmetic instructions, the arithmetic rule matches on the instruction type and updates the appropriate state. We show the cases for MOV, ADDI and CMPI.

def arithmetic (instr : Instr) {
   instr match {
       case MOV (a, b, c)   => R (a) := R (c) << b
       case ADD (a, b, c)   => R (a) := R (b) + R (c)
       case CMPI (b, im)    => Z := R (b) =:= im
                               N := R (b) < im
       case _               =>

Note again the use of the := operator to record updates. The right-hand sides are more complex than seen earlier in the init rule. In almost all cases, standard Scala operators can be used to calculate with state item values. A notable exception is equality comparison which should be performed using the =:= operator, which compares the underlying state values, instead of the normal ==, which compares the state items themselves.

Here are some more cases from the rules to illustrate how other typical instructions are handled. From memory:

case LDW (a, b, im) => R (a) := Mem ((R (b) + im) / 4)

From control:

case b : BEQ if (Z) => PC := PC + b.disp
case RET (c)        => PC := R (c)
                       if (R (c) =:= 0) halt := true

Note how the halt state item is set to true here if the return address is zero, indicating that the main subroutine is returning. This change will be detected by the main rule.

Other aspects

The basic functionality shown above is sufficient to define deterministic abstract state machines. We plan to add some support for non-determinism in a future version of the library.

Normally updates are performed automatically by the machine at the end of the init rule and then at the end of each step. Sometimes it is useful to be able to force updates to happen immediately. Call the performUpdates method to get this effect. One use case for performing updates immediately is when the init rule needs to initialise some state items using the values of other state items. The latter items should be initialised first, then performUpdates called, then the dependent state items should be initialised.


You can set the debug flag of a machine to true to obtain a trace of steps and state updates as the machine runs.

override def debug = true

Here is beginning part of the debug trace for the RISC machine showing the initialisation and the first three steps of executing a program. The library prints the state updates and step indicators, while the machine itself prints the executed instructions.

RISC.R(28) := 0
RISC.R(0) := 0
RISC.Z := false
RISC.N := false
RISC.halt := false
RISC step 0
RISC exec: ADDI(29,0,0)
RISC.R(29) := 0
RISC.R(28) := 1
RISC step 1
RISC exec: ADDI(30,0,12)
RISC.R(30) := 12
RISC.R(28) := 2
RISC step 2
RISC exec: RD(1)
RISC.R(28) := 3

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