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Constructing parsers using combinators

Up: Parsing, Prev: Parser input

Like any combinator-based approach to parsing, Scala’s library starts with simple parsers and uses functions to combine them into more complicated ones. The most common ways to construct parsers are covered here. See the Kiama library API documentation for Parsers for a complete list.

See also Parsing and ParserInput for general information about defining and using parser combinators.

Simple parsers

The simplest way to create a parser is to build one that doesn’t consume any input. success produces a parser that always succeeds with a given result value. failure and error produce parsers that always fail or error with a given message.

def success[T] (v : => T) : Parser[T]
def failure (message : String) : Parser[Nothing]
def error (message : String) : Parser[Nothing]

success is not very useful, but the other two can be used to produce useful error messages if other input-consuming parsers have failed. See below for an example.

The simplest way to create a parser that consumes some input is from an existing input character. elem takes a character ch and returns a parser that succeeds only if ch is the next input element.

implicit def elem (ch : Char) : Parser[Char]

If any input element is legal instead of just a single one, the any combinator can be used.

def any : Parser[Char]


Since Scala RegexParsers operate at the character level, a separate scanner is not needed to recognise lexical tokens to pass to the parser. This approach is often called scannerless parsing.

Even if tokens are not passed around, it is often still useful to use abstractions to describe the level of structure immediately above the character level.

literal converts a string into a parser that recognises just that string followed by layout. For example, literal can be used to parse keywords or multi-character operator symbols.

implicit def literal (s : String) : Parser[String]

Since literal is implicit if a parser is required you can just give a string.

lazy val whileParser : Parser[String] = "while"

Note that the values returned by literal parsers are of type String since a sequence of characters is recognised. literal will also skip any white space that is present, before trying to parse the literal. You can customise the definition of white space by overriding the whiteSpace regular expression from Parsers.

A cousin of literal is regex which creates a parser that recognises input that matches a given regular expression. For example, a decimal number might be specified to be a sequence of one or more digits. White space is also skipped. regex is also implicit so it suffices to provide a regular expression object.

implicit def regex (r: Regex) : Parser[String]

lazy val decimal : Parser[String] = """\d+""".r

Recall that "foo".r converts a string into a regular expression object. The """...""".r form is Scala’s way of obtaining a regular expression from a string in which backslash escape sequences are not interpreted.


A common token type for many languages is the identifier, a name that represents something. It is easy to use regex to define the form that identifiers can take. For example,

lazy val identifier : Parser[String] = "[a-zA-Z]+".r

When parsing some languages, care must be taken to avoid clashes between identifiers and keywords. For example, when parsing C, the character sequences if and while should be recognised as keywords, not as identifiers, even though they match the definition of identifiers.

One approach for avoiding problems in this kind of case is to write the parser definition for identifiers to rule out the possibility of matching a keyword. We still use keyword literals where they are needed in other parser definitions, as described in the previous section. We just augment the identifier definition with an extra check, using the predicate combinator not.

A parser not (p) flips the success and failure of the parser p and doesn’t consume any input. Thus, something of this form can be used to test whether the input can be parsed by p and only move to subsequent parsers if it cannot. We can use this idea to avoid recognising identifiers that look like keywords.

A first attempt at a solution might look like this:

lazy val keyword : Parser[String] = "if"
lazy val identifier = not (keyword) ~> """[a-zA-Z]+""".r

Here we are defining the form of keywords with a separate parser, then using it in the identifier definition to rule those cases out. The keyword parser can easily be extended to have cases for all of the keywords.

The problem with this first attempt is that it doesn’t allow identifiers of the form iffoo, i.e., where the prefix matches a keyword. We need the keyword parser to ensure that the following character can’t continue the sequence as an identifier. Here is one option:

lazy val keyword : Parser[String] = "if[^a-zA-Z]"

Again, this can be extended to multiple keywords. Parsers provides an operation called keywords to make it easy to apply this approach.

This approach is not without flaws. It requires the keywords to be repeated, once in the place where they are actually parsed and once in the keyword parser. Also, the regular expression that defines the continuation as an identifier must be kept consistent with the regular expression used in the identifier definition.


Various sequencing combinators can be used to form larger structural units than single tokens. The basic sequencing combinator is the ~ method where p ~ q recognises what p does, and if p succeeds, then recognises what q does.

abstract class Parser[+T] ... {
    def ~[U] (q : => Parser[U]) : Parser[~[T, U]]

The result of a p ~ q parser is a tuple formed using the ~ case class, containing the result of p as the first component and the result of q as the second component.

case class ~[+U,+V] (_1 : U, _2 : V)

On some occasions a sequence needs to be recognised, but only the result of one of the parsers is of interest. The ~> and <~ methods can be used in this situation. They discard the result of the parser that is not pointed to by the > or <. Thus p ~> q only returns the result of q and p <~ q only returns the result of p.

abstract class Parser[+T] ... {
    def ~>[U] (q : => Parser[U]) : Parser[U]
    def <~[U] (q : => Parser[U]) : Parser[T]

There is also a non-backtracking sequence combinator called ~/ with variants ~/> and <~/.

The following parsers use the sequencing methods to recognise assignment statements and while loops, discarding the results of parsing the keywords and special symbols.

lazy val asgnStmt = idn ~ ("=" ~> exp) <~ ";"
lazy val whileStmt = ("while" ~> "(" ~> exp <~ ")") ~ stmt


Most languages have alternate forms for some constructs, such as different forms of statement. The alternation method | is used to specify these alternatives.

abstract class Parser[+T] ... {
    def |[U >: T] (q : => Parser[U]) : Parser[U]

A parser p | q will first try to recognise what p does. If p succeeds, then its result is returned. If p fails, then q is tried. In contrast to alternation in general context-free grammars, this is an ordered choice: always p then q. For this reason, alternatives that have an overlapping prefix should first list the one that will possibly match the most. For example, to recognise conditional statements, the if-then-else case should come first.

lazy val if_statement =
    "if" ~> expression ~ ("then" ~> statements) ~ ("else" ~> statements) |
    "if" ~> expression ~ ("then" ~> statements)

A failure parser can be used as the last alternative to provide a context-specific error message if none of the earlier alternatives succeed.

lazy val statement =
    ... alternatives for statements ... |
    failure ("statement expected")

Optional constructs

Optional constructs are expressed using the opt combinator or the ? method, where p? == opt (p). If p succeeds with value v, the result of opt (p) is Some (v), otherwise it is None.

def opt[T] (p : => Parser[T]) : Parser[Option[T]]

abstract class Parser[+T] ... {
    def ? : Parser[Option[T]]

For example, an optional extends clause in a class definition might be defined as follows.

lazy val class_decl = "class" ~> IDENTIFIER ~ (xtends?) ~ block
lazy val xtends     = "extends" ~> IDENTIFIER

Repeated constructs

A collection of combinators and methods facilitate specification of repeated constructs.

rep (p) repeat p zero or more times
repsep (p, sep) repeat p zero or more times separated by sep
rep1 (p) repeat p one or more times
rep1sep (p, sep) repeat p one or more times separated by sep

The parsers created by these combinators return vectors of the result produced by p. In the separator versions, the results of sep are discarded.

def rep[T] (p : => Parser[T]) : Parser[Vector[T]]
def repsep[T,U] (p : => Parser[T], sep: => Parser[U]) : Parser[Vector[T]]
def rep1[T] (p : => Parser[T]) : Parser[Vector[T]]
def rep1sep[T,U] (p : => Parser[T], sep: => Parser[U]) : Parser[Vector[T]]

Use the ListParsers class instead of Parsers to have these methods return lists instead of vectors.

The following examples show how repetition is used to parse statement sequences and comma-separated expression lists.

lazy val stmtseq = "{" ~> rep (stmt) <~ "}"
lazy val explist = repsep (exp, ",")

Values returned by parsers

The combinators described so far are sufficient to recognise most structures. Often, however, the value returned by a parser is not exactly what is needed. For example, it is common to require an abstract syntax tree (AST) from a parse, rather than generic structures such as tuples and lists.

The ^^ method is used to transform the result of a successful parse. If p is a parser, p ^^ f produces a parser that recognises what p does, and if p is successful, applies f to the result of p.

abstract class Parser[+T] ... {
    def ^^[U] (f : T => U) : Parser[U]

The following extensions of examples given earlier show how ^^ is used to construct AST nodes for successfully parsed constructs.

case class Seqn (ss : Seq[Stmt]) extends Stmt
lazy val stmtseq : Parser[Seqn] =
    "{" ~> (stmt*) <~ "}" ^^ Seqn

case class Asgn (s : Idn, e : Exp) extends Stmt
lazy val asgnStmt : Parser[Asgn] =
    idn ~ ("=" ~> exp) <~ ";" ^^
        { case s ~ e => Asgn (s, e) }

case class While (e : Exp, b : Stmt) extends Stmt
lazy val whileStmt : Parser[While] =
    ("while" ~> "(" ~> exp <~ ")") ~ stmt ^^
        { case e ~ b => While (e, b) }

case class Num (d : Double) extends Exp
lazy val double : Parser[Num] =
    ("""[0-9]+\.[0-9]+""") ^^ { case s => Num (s.toDouble) }

In the first example, the Seqn constructor can be used directly since the parser produces a single value. In the others, a pattern matching anonymous function is used to decompose the tuple returned by the parser so that its components can be used to construct an appropriate AST node.

The ^^^ method can be used to return a constant value from a parser, which is sometimes useful for constant leaf nodes in the AST.

The classes Seqn, Asgn, While and Num are case classes, which makes it easy to create instances as shown. It is tempting to use case objects for constant nodes, but this practice should be avoided when building an AST, since the resulting structure will be a graph, not a tree because the case object leaves will be shared.

Convenient value construction conversions

In the second example from the previous section we must decompose the pair that is built by the underlying parser, only to pass each component to the Asgn constructor. This pattern is very common, so Kiama provides implicit conversions and the pattern matching can be omitted. For example, for the pair case we have

implicit def constToTupleFunction2[A,B,R] (r : (A,B) => R) : (A ~ B) => R = {
    case a ~ b =>
        r (a, b)

The example can be simplified using the conversion since it takes care of converting the Asgn constructor into something that can take the pair produced by the parser.

lazy val asgnStmt : Parser[Asgn] =
    idn ~ ("=" ~> exp) <~ ";" ^^ Asgn

Similar conversions are provided for up to six arguments.

Similarly, it is sometimes useful to return a regular Scala tuple from a parser that makes a tilde tuple. Kiama provides implicit conversions up to tuples of size six for this purpose.

implicit def parseResultToTuple2[A,B] (p : Parser[A ~ B]) : PackratParser[(A,B)] =
    p ^^ { case a ~ b => (a,b) }

Testing the input with parsers

Sometimes it is useful to be able to test whether a parser applies without actually consuming any input. The guard combinator constructs a parser that has the same behaviour as its argument parser, but leaves the input position unchanged. not is similar, but reverses the test. not (p) succeeds with () if p fails, otherwise it fails, in both cases without changing the input.

def guard[T] (p : => Parser[T]) : Parser[T]
def not[T] (p : => Parser[T]) : Parser[Unit]

Left recursion and memoisation

The parsing combinators as defined so far do not support left recursion. Thus a parser definition such as

lazy val exp = exp ~ ("+" ~> term) | exp ~ ("-" ~> term) | term

will not work since exp calls itself without consuming any input.

The usual solution to this problem is to rewrite the exp definition using repetition to avoid the left recursion. Unfortunately, this approach obscures the structure of the grammar and makes AST construction more complicated. Kiama provides an alternative via packrat or memoising parsers represented by the type PackratParser[T] that extends Parser[T].

A PackratParser wraps the actual parsing mechanism so that left recursion is supported and the results of parses are remembered. Where a memoising parser is required, it is necessary to explicitly declare the parser to be a PackratParser. Therefore, a full, left recursive definition of simple expressions might be written as follows.

lazy val exp : PackratParser[Exp] =
    exp ~ ("+" ~> term) ^^ { case l ~ r => Add (l, r) } |
    exp ~ ("-" ~> term) ^^ { case l ~ r => Sub (l, r) } |

lazy val term : PackratParser[Exp] =
    term ~ ("*" ~> factor) ^^ { case l ~ r => Mul (l, r) } |
    term ~ ("/" ~> factor) ^^ { case l ~ r => Div (l, r) } |

lazy val factor : PackratParser[Exp] =
    integer | variable | "(" ~> exp <~ ")"

The memoisation performed by these parsers is important when backtracking occurs. For example, in the exp parser, if the exp at the beginning of the first alternative succeeds but the + fails, then the second alternative will be tried. Since exp has already succeeded at the initial input position and the result memoised, the exp at the beginning of the second alternative will succeed immediately reusing the result without needing to reparse the input. This reuse avoids exponential behaviour where text is repeatedly parsed by the same parser. The cost is some storage for memoisation.

Note that the memoisation described here is provided by the PackratParser class. If you proceed as shown above, the “top-level” parsers exp, term and factor will memoise since they have explicit type annotations. However, the intermediate parser values (such as the three alternatives that make up exp or their constituents) will be Parser values, and hence will not memoise. In practice, this difference may not be important, but it does mean that parsers written in this way do not have the linear storage properties of true packrat parsers.


The combinators discussed here will automatically keep track of position infirmation and store it using the positions argument to Parsers.

It is possible to query this position information later. For example, if n is a node that was created by one of these parsers then positions.getStart (n) is the (optional) position encoding where the input corresponding to n started. Similarly, for getFinish.

See the API documentation for Positions for more information.

Kiama’s Messaging module is designed to work with values that have positions. All you need to do is pass such a value to the message method and the position information will be used automatically.

Other combinators

Kiama’s wrap combinator wraps a parser p so that its value (of type T) is post-processed by a function f. f can either produce a value of type U, then that value becomes the value of the wrapped parser. Otherwise, f can return a string which used as the message for the failure of the wrapped parser.

def wrap[T,U] (p : => Parser[T], f : T => Either[U,String]) : Parser[U]

wrap is most useful for performing a check on the value produced by a parser before deciding whether the parse has succeeded or not. For example, Kiama provides the constrainedInt parser which parses a string of digits but only succeeds if the numeric value will fit into an Int (as determined by the operation stringToInt).

Up: Parsing, Prev: Parser input