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Example: Dataflow calculation for live variable analysis

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This page describes Kiama 1.x. Much of it also applies to Kiama 2.x, but not all. Please consult the 2.x release notes for the main differences. We are currently writing comprehensive documentation for 2.x that will eventually replace these pages.

This example shows how Kiama’s reference attributes can be used to define a control flow graph for an imperative language. Circular attributes are then used to implement a fixed-point dataflow calculation over the control flow graph to compute variable liveness.

Abstract syntax

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.dataflow.DataflowTree.scala

Programs for this example consist of a single statement.

case class Program (body : Stm) extends Attributable

Statements come in assignment, while loop, if conditional, block, return and empty statement varieties. To keep the example simple we do not define complex expressions; they can only be single variables.

abstract class Stm extends Attributable
case class Assign (left : Var, right : Var) extends Stm
case class While (cond : Var, body : Stm) extends Stm
case class If (cond : Var, tru : Stm, fls : Stm) extends Stm
case class Block (stms : Stm*) extends Stm
case class Return (ret : Var) extends Stm
case class Empty () extends Stm

Finally, variables are just represented by strings.

type Var = String

Control flow graph

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.dataflow.Dataflow.scala

The control flow graph is defined by the succ attribute. s->succ is the set of statements to which control can flow from statement s. There are five cases:

Thus, succ will be a set of references to other nodes in the tree. The cases given above can be specified in a straight-forward way if we assume the existence of another attribute s->following that gives the statement (if any) following statement s.

val succ : Stm ==> Set[Stm] =
    attr {
        case If (_, s1, s2)   => Set (s1, s2)
        case t @ While (_, s) => t->following + s
        case Return (_)       => Set ()
        case Block (s, _*)    => Set (s)
        case s                => s->following

following depends on the parent context so we use a childAttr to define it. There are three main cases:

Again, these cases are easily specified, making use of the isLast and next node properties to handle the sequence cases.

val following : Stm ==> Set[Stm] =
    childAttr {
        case s => {
             case t @ While (_, _)           => Set (t)
             case b @ Block (_*) if s isLast => b->following
             case Block (_*)                 => Set (
             case _                          => Set ()

(Note: these attributes are partial functions, indicated by the type constructor org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.==> because they are used in this example to define dynamically updated attribution. Attributes that do not need to be updated at run-time are functions, indicated by =>, not partial functions.)

Variable definitions and uses

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.dataflow.Dataflow.scala

The next step is to specify the variables that are defined and used directly by each kind of statement. We specify two attributes defines and uses for this purpose.

Assignment statements define the variable on their left-hand side and no other kind of statement defines a variable.

val defines : Stm ==> Set[Var] =
    attr {
        case Assign (v, _) => Set (v)
        case _             => Set ()

A number of statement types use variables. If we had a more complex expression language the uses attribute for statements would probably be defined by delegating to the uses attribute of the expressions, but in this simple case it is easy to define directly.

val uses : Stm ==> Set[Var] =
    attr {
        case If (v, _, _)  => Set (v)
        case While (v, _)  => Set (v)
        case Assign (_, v) => Set (v)
        case Return (v)    => Set (v)
        case _             => Set ()

Variable liveness

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.dataflow.Dataflow.scala

The standard approach to calculating variable liveness is to compute in and out sets for each statement. in (s) contains all variables that have values that are defined before s and are used either in s or in later statements without first being redefined. “Later” is interpreted in terms of the control flow from s. Similarly, out (s) contains all variables whose values either pass through s or are defined by s and are used later without first being redefined.

This problem is usually phrased mathematically as a pair of mutually dependent equations. Wikipedia has a version of the equations we use here. Their LIVE-in and LIVE-out sets are our in and out attributes. GEN is our uses attribute and KILL is our defines attribute.

To compute the in and out sets for a statement we just implement the dataflow equations directly as circular attributes. Note that the equations don’t say what the initial values of the attributes should be. We will use empty sets so the final values are built up from there.

val in : Stm => Set[Var] =
    circular (Set[Var]()) {
        case s => uses (s) ++ (out (s) -- defines (s))

val out : Stm => Set[Var] =
    circular (Set[Var]()) {
        case s => (s->succ) flatMap (in)

Notice that the attribute definitions very closely resemble the dataflow equations. Standard Scala set operations suffice, along with a flatMap to compute the union of the in sets for the successors of a statement. We have used the a (n) notation for attributes throughout since it closely matches the notation in the dataflow equations.


File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.dataflow.DataflowTests.scala

A test of live variable computations for a small program involving a while loop.

sbt 'test-only org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.dataflow.DataflowTests'

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