
A Scala library for language processing.

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Example: Simple imperative language

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This page describes Kiama 1.x. Much of it also applies to Kiama 2.x, but not all. Please consult the 2.x release notes for the main differences. We are currently writing comprehensive documentation for 2.x that will eventually replace these pages.

This example contains an abstract syntax tree structure for a simple imperative programming language, a parser that creates instances of the abstract syntax from textual representations of imperative language programs and a read-eval-print loop that inputs programs and prints their tree representations. The imperative language is mostly used to implement tests of the Kiama rewriting library, so there is also quite a bit of test-related scaffolding.

Abstract syntax

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.imperative.Imperative.scala

Programs for this example consist of a single statement of which some standard varieties are available.

abstract class Stm
case class Asgn (s : Idn, e : Exp) extends Stmt
case class While (e : Exp, b : Stmt) extends Stmt
case class Seqn (ss : Seq[Stmt]) extends Stmt
case class Null () extends Stmt

Expressions are also standard. Binary expressions are factored out to allow some common behaviour to be defined in one place.

abstract class Exp

case class Num (d : Double) extends Exp
case class Var (s : Idn) extends Exp
case class Neg (e : Exp) extends Exp

abstract class Binary (l : Exp, r : Exp) extends Exp
case class Add (l : Exp, r : Exp) extends Binary (l, r)
case class Sub (l : Exp, r : Exp) extends Binary (l, r)
case class Mul (l : Exp, r : Exp) extends Binary (l, r)
case class Div (l : Exp, r : Exp) extends Binary (l, r)

Finally, identifiers are just represented by strings.

type Idn = String


File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.imperative.Imperative.scala

The parser is written using Kiama’s parsing combinator library. Lazy values are used to enable the parsers to be defined in any order.

A whole parse is a parse of a single statement that consumes all of the input.

A statement is parsed as one of four alternatives corresponding to the different statement types.

Expressions are a bit trickier since the easiest encoding involves left recursion. To make this work we use Scala’s PackratParser extension of standard parsers so that memoisation and packrat parsing techniques for automatically dealing with the left recursion can be used transparently. Other than the special type, the expression productions encode the precedence and associativity of the operators in a standard way.

lazy val parse : PackratParser[Stmt] =
    phrase (stmt)

lazy val stmt : PackratParser[Stmt] =
    ";" ^^^ Null () | sequence | asgnStmt | whileStmt

lazy val asgnStmt =
    idn ~ ("=" ~> exp) <~ ";" ^^ Asgn

lazy val whileStmt =
    ("while" ~> "(" ~> exp <~ ")") ~ stmt ^^ While

lazy val sequence =
    "{" ~> (stmt*) <~ "}" ^^ Seqn

lazy val exp : PackratParser[Exp] =
    exp ~ ("+" ~> term) ^^ Add |
    exp ~ ("-" ~> term) ^^ Sub |

lazy val term : PackratParser[Exp] =
    term ~ ("*" ~> factor) ^^ Mul |
    term ~ ("/" ~> factor) ^^ Div |

lazy val factor : PackratParser[Exp] =
    double | integer | variable | "-" ~> exp | "(" ~> exp <~ ")"

Finally, we define the leaf forms of expression. Numbers are straightforward.

lazy val double : PackratParser[Num] =
    """[0-9]+\.[0-9]+""" ^^ (s => Num (s.toDouble))

lazy val integer : PackratParser[Num] =
    "[0-9]+".r ^^ (s => Num (s.toInt))

The remaining interesting detail is the use of a parsing predicate to ensure that the while keyword is not accepted as a variable identifier.

lazy val variable : PackratParser[Var] =
    idn ^^ Var

lazy val idn : PackratParser[String] =
    not (keyword) ~> "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*".r

lazy val keyword : Parser[String] =


File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.imperative.PrettyPrinter.scala

The example includes a simple pretty-printer that uses Kiama’s pretty-printing library. See the end of the pretty-printing library documentation for a description of the imperative pretty printer.

Read-eval-print loop

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.imperative.Imperative.scala

Kiama provides some basic facilities to make it easy to define read-eval-print loops (REPLs). In the imperative example the main REPL parses program text and prints the resulting tree representations. (See Running for an example execution.)

object Imperative extends ParsingREPL[Stmt] with Parser {

    override def setup { println ("Enter imperative language programs for parsing.") }
    override def prompt = "imperative> "

    def process (s : Stmt) {
        println (s)


Test scaffolding

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.imperative.Imperative.scala

The main test scaffolding provided in this example is ScalaCheck support for generating random program instances. The programs that are generated are unlikely to be semantically correct, but serve as semi-realistic trees for testing.

The generation code is a fairly standard use of ScalaCheck so we just show a few representative examples here. The following three generators produce random number expressions with a bias towards integer ones.

val genInteger = for (i <- Gen.choose (1, 100)) yield Num (i)
val genDouble = for (i <- Gen.choose (1.0, 1000000.0)) yield Num (i)
val genNum = Gen.frequency ((3, genInteger), (1, genDouble))

implicit def arbNum : Arbitrary[Num] =
    Arbitrary (genNum)

genAdd produces addition expressions.

def genAdd (sz : Int) =
    for { l <- genExp (sz/2); r <- genExp (sz/2) } yield Add (l, r)

Finally, genAsgn generates random assignment statements.

def genAsgn (sz : Int) =
    for { i <- genIdn; e <- genExp (sz-1) } yield Asgn (i, e)

There is also a REPL that generates random imperative programs and prints them. (See Running for an example execution.)

object ImperativeGen extends GeneratingREPL[AST.Stmt] with Generator with PrettyPrinter {

    def generator = arbStmt

    override def process (s : AST.Stmt) {
        println (s)
        println (pretty (s))


The code also contains some extra methods on the tree classes to support semantic-based testing. The vars method returns a set of the variables that are used in a construct. value computes the arithmetic value of an expression, assuming that variables are not zero (in fact, that they are always three). divsbyzero returns the number of divisions by zero in an expression. depth and intadds compute similar metrics on expressions.


File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.imperative.Imperative.scala

To run the read-eval-print loop to parse programs and print their tree representations:

sbt 'main org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.imperative.Imperative'
Enter imperative language programs for parsing.
imperative> a = 4;
imperative> { a = 0; while (a + 4) { a = a - 1; } }
Seqn(List(Asgn("a",Num(0.0)), While(Add(Var("a"),Num(4.0)),Seqn(List(Asgn("a",Sub(Var("a"),Num(1.0))))))))

To run the read-eval-print loop that generates random programs:

sbt 'main org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.imperative.ImperativeGen'
Each time you hit ENTER a new instance is generated and printed.
Hit ENTER to generate an instance:
ymNmq = ((ymliy / 74403.7187785454) * 10.0);
Hit ENTER to generate an instance:


File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.rewriting.RewriterTests.scala

A collection of tests that rewrite imperative language expressions and statements.

sbt 'test-only org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.rewriting.RewriterTests'

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.rewriting.UniplateTests.scala

A collection of rewriting tests based on examples in a Haskell Workshop 2007 paper about the UniPlate library.

sbt 'test-only org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.rewriting.UniplateTests'

Up: Examples, Prev: Dataflow, Next: Lambda