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Overview of Kiama’s support for pretty printing

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This page describes Kiama 1.x. Much of it also applies to Kiama 2.x, but not all. Please consult the 2.x release notes for the main differences. We are currently writing comprehensive documentation for 2.x that will eventually replace these pages.

This page provides an overview of Kiama’s support for pretty printing. Pretty printing is used in the following examples.

Fragments from these examples are used as illustrations below.

More information about Kiama pretty-printing can be found via the Research page.

Kiama’s pretty printing library is based on the paper “Linear, bounded, functional pretty-printing” by Swierstra and Chitil (Journal of Functional Programming, 19 (1), 1) which details various pretty printing libraries for Haskell. We use the continuation-based form of pretty printer discussed in this paper.

Swierstra and Chitil’s work is descended from earlier libraries by Hughes and Wadler. We have also incorporated combinators from the Haskell PPrint library by Leijen.


Pretty printing is the task of producing a pleasing output representation from some data structure. In the Kiama context, we usually mean the task of turning an abstract syntax tree representing some software artefact into the textual syntax for that artefact. For example, a code generator might create an abstract syntax tree that represents the code to be generated. Pretty printing would turn that tree into the generated source code.

The simplest form of this process is to simply traverse the tree in some fashion, printing the textual equivalent of nodes as they are encountered and inserting punctuation and other special characters where needed. This process is usually called unparsing since it performs the opposite translation to that performed by a parser.

However, we usually want more control than an unparser can provide. For example, we might want to ensure that statement blocks are indented to a level deeper than the statement in which they occur. Or we might want to ensure that no line of the output is longer than a certain length. Obeying these kinds of constraints are what distinguishes a pretty printer from an unparser.

A document model for pretty printing

It is quite difficult to perform pretty printing during a single simple traversal of a tree. Consequently, pretty printing libraries often adopt a document model view. The idea is that we construct a value that represents the document to be created as the result of the pretty printing. The document embodies the constant text that must be present, optional parts, and the constraints if any on the final output.

Kiama’s pretty printing library is in the org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.output.PrettyPrinter trait. You must mix this trait into whichever class or object needs to perform pretty printing. For example, if you have

object P extends org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.output.PrettyPrinter

then within P or via P’s public methods, you can access the pretty printing functionality.

Documents are represented by the type PrettyPrinter.Doc. Pretty printing amounts to constructing a Doc value then converting it to a string using the pretty method.

def pretty (d : Doc, w : Width = defaultWidth) : Layout

(Layout is a type alias for String.) pretty takes the given document and a maximum output width measured in characters. It returns the pretty printed form of the document as a string, which can then be output or sent elsewhere as needed.

defaultWidth is 75, but can be overridden when the PrettyPrinter trait is mixed in.

Basic documents

The pretty printing library provides ways to make basic documents and ways to combine documents into more complex documents.

The simplest document is an empty one, created by the empty combinator:

def empty : Doc

text turns a string into a document. The string should not contain newlines if they are intended to be significant to the pretty printer.

implicit def text (t : String) : Doc

text is implicit so you can use string literals as documents in most cases, and we will do so in the following.

Documents can be combined in a simple way using the <> method of Doc which creates a document whose content is the concatenation of its receiver and the argument.

class Doc {
   def <> (e : Doc) : Doc

(Actually, methods including <> are defined in a DocOps trait that is mixed in to a specific implementation of Doc, but the difference does not matter to a client of the library.)

Thus, the document

"Hello" <> empty <> " world!"

creates a document that will be pretty printed as “Hello world!”.


A fundamental operation for this kind of pretty printing library is grouping. The idea is that we group a document when it has multiple ways of being printed and we want the pretty printer to consider these different ways to pick the best.

Use the group combinator to indicate a group.

def group (d : Doc) : Doc

The constraint that we want to satisfy in order to pick the best output is to make sure the pretty printed version fits in the output width. A pretty print result that fits in the output width is preferred over one that doesn’t.

As a result of this constraint, a group will be formatted either horizontally (if it fits on the current line) or vertically (if it doesn’t fit). Groups occurring within a horizontal group will also be formatted horizontally, but groups occurring within a vertical group are not constrained in this way.

Line breaks

The difference between horizontal formatting and vertical formatting is expressed by line breaks, expressed in their simplest form by the line combinator.

def line : Doc

The idea is that we indicate where the potential line breaks go by putting line documents there. If a line break occurs within a group, it will be replaced by a space if horizontal formatting is being used for that group, or by a newline if vertical formatting is being used. A line break occurring outside any group always results in a newline.

For example, the document

"Hello" <> line <> "world!"

will result in


if it is not within a group.

In contrast, the document

group ("Hello" <> line <> "world!")

will be printed as “Hello world!” if that text would fit on the current line, or as


if there is insufficient room.

linebreak is the same as line except that it is replaced by nothing if horizontal formatting is being used for the group in which it appears.

def linebreak : Doc

line and linebreak are just special cases ofline (repl) where repl is an arbitrary string replacement. For example, line ("; ") will be replaced by a semicolon followed by a space, if the newline is omitted.

def linebreak : Doc


It is common to want to indent pretty printed output. By default, no indentation is inserted, so documents must be created to handle the indentation explicitly. The nest combinator makes it easy to deal with indentation in a general way.

def nest (d : Doc, j : Indent = defaultIndent) : Doc

The result of nest (d, j) is a document that has the same content as d, except that it is indented j spaces further than the current indentation level. The indentation level is zero when pretty printing of a document begins.

defaultIndent is four, but can be overridden when the PrettyPrinter trait is mixed in.

Indentation interacts closely with the presence or absence of line breaks, since indentation is only inserted after a line break. For example, the document

"Hello" <> nest (line <> "world!")

will produce “Hello world!” if the line break is omitted, but


if it is not omitted. Note that the line has to be inside the nest for the indentation that follows it to be affected.

Other combinators

The combinators discussed so far form the basic primitives of all documents. The library provides an extensive collection of other combinators as short-hand notations for common situations.

This page summarises the kinds of other combinators and lists some instances of each kind. See the PrettyPrinter trait for a complete list.

First up is string which is like text except that the string is allowed to contain newlines. Each newline is turned into an invocation of line.

def string (s : String) : Doc

char is the same as string but just for a single character.

implicit def char (c : Char) : Doc

char is implicit so you can use string literals as documents in most cases.

Single characters have combinators so that they can be made easier to read. These include comma and dot, plus bracketing characters such as lparen and rparen (but also see the surround and enclose combinators described in the next section).

def comma : Doc
def dot : Doc
def lparen : Doc
def rparen : Doc

Explicit spaces can be produced using the space and spaces combinators. The latter produces exactly the number of spaces given by its integer argument, or an empty document if the argument is not positive.

def space : Doc
def spaces (n : Int) : Doc

The softline and softbreak combinators produce optional line breaks that are individually grouped.

def softline : Doc
def softbreak : Doc

More forms of concatenation

In addition to the basic concatenation method <>, there are varieties called <+>, <@>, <@@>, </>, and <\> that include a space, line, linebreak, softline and softbreak, respectively, between the concatenated documents.

class Doc {
   def <+>  (e : Doc) : Doc
   def <@>  (e : Doc) : Doc
   def <@@> (e : Doc) : Doc
   def </>  (e : Doc) : Doc
   def <\>  (e : Doc) : Doc

The surround combinator surrounds a document d with two occurrences of another document b, using <> for concatenation.

def surround (d : Doc, b : Doc) : Doc

Combinators such as dquotes (for double quotes) and squotes (for single quotes) are special cases of surround.

enclose is a form of surround where the document on the left might be different to the one on the right.

def enclose (l : Doc, d : Doc, r : Doc) : Doc

braces and parens are commonly used to enclose a document in braces or parentheses, respectively.

def braces (d : Doc) : Doc
def parens (d : Doc) : Doc

Pretty printing arbitrary values and sequences

value turns an arbitrary value into a document using its toString method and string.

def value (v : Any) : Doc

Sequences (instances of Seq) can be pretty printed using a collection of combinators of which hsep and vsep are typical. hsep concatenates the items in the sequence using <+>, while vsep uses <@>.

def hsep (ds : Seq[Doc]) : Doc
def vsep (ds : Seq[Doc]) : Doc

There are many other variants, such as ones that allow the separator to be specified, and lterm that prints lists where the elements are individually terminated rather than separated.

The PrettyPrintable trait

The library comes with a variant of pretty that accepts an instance of the PrettyPrintable trait instead of a document. This variant can help to simplify some pretty printers.

def pretty (p : PrettyPrintable) : Layout

trait PrettyPrintable {
   def toDoc : Doc

This version of pretty calls the object’s toDoc method to obtain the document to be printed. By default, toDoc just calls the value combinator on the object. There is also an implicit conversion from Any to PrettyPrintable that uses value to implement toDoc.

The idea is that PrettyPrintable is mixed in to domain classes that implement the toDoc method. Values of those domain classes can then be pretty printed directly without having to explicitly call a method to convert them to a document. The implicit conversion allows any value to be pretty printed very easily.


The list combinator pretty prints a List in Scala notation, inserting grouping, nesting and line breaks as needed. For example, the document

list (List (1, 2, 3))

results in “List(1, 2, 3)” if it fits on the current line, or


if it doesn’t.

list can be customised in many ways. Here is the full signature:

def list[T] (l : List[T], prefix : String = "List",
             elemToDoc : T => Doc = (x : T) => value (x),
             sep : Doc = comma,
             sepfn : (Seq[Doc], Doc) => Doc = lsep) : Doc =

prefix is the string that is printed at the beginning of the list (default: “List”). elemToDoc provides a way to convert the list elements to documents (default: using the value method). sep is used to separate each element (default: a comma). Finally, sepfn is used to format the elements with the separator (default: lsep).

For example, the alternative layout for our example list

    , 2
    , 3

can be achieved using

list (List (1, 2, 3), sepfn = lsep2)

if the available line width is not sufficient.

See the API documentation for your Kiama release for detailed descriptions of lsep and lsep2.

Pretty-printing any value

The any combinator provides a convenient way to pretty print any value, most commonly instances of case classes, but also common data structures such as tuples, vectors, and maps.

For example, given the classes

abstract class Exp
case class Num (i : Int) extends Exp
case class Add (l : Exp, r : Exp) extends Exp

the document

any (Add (Num (1), Num (2)))

might be pretty-printed as

Add (Num (1), Num (2))


Add (
    Num (
    Num (

depending on line width.

Functional pretty printing: the Imperative language

As a more complex example, consider pretty printing for the Imperative language. We implement a function show that converts any imperative language abstract syntax tree node into a document. show uses showbin that abstracts documents for parenthesised applications of binary operators. This is an example of a functional-style pretty printer, where the pretty printing logic is kept outside of the data that is to be printed. (See the next example for a more object-oriented style.)

object PrettyPrinter extends org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.output.PrettyPrinter {

    import AST._

    def pretty (t : ImperativeNode) : String =
        super.pretty (show (t))

    def show (t : ImperativeNode) : Doc =
        t match {
            case Num (d)      => value (d)
            case Var (s)      => s
            case Neg (e)      => parens ("-" <> show (e))
            case Add (l, r)   => showbin (l, "+", r)
            case Sub (l, r)   => showbin (l, "-", r)
            case Mul (l, r)   => showbin (l, "*", r)
            case Div (l, r)   => showbin (l, "/", r)
            case Null ()      => semi
            case Seqn (ss)    => braces (nest (line <> ssep (ss map show, line)) <> line)
            case Asgn (v, e)  => show (v) <+> "=" <+> show (e) <> semi
            case While (e, b) => "while" <+> parens (show (e)) <> nest (line <> show (b))

    def showbin (l : ImperativeNode, op : String, r : ImperativeNode) : Doc =
        parens (show (l) <+> op <+> show (r))


The program

{ i = 10; count = 0; while (i) { count = count + 1; i = 1 + i; } }

is represented by the abstract syntax tree

Seqn (
    List (
        Asgn (Var ("i"), Num (10.0)),
        Asgn (Var ("count"), Num (0.0)),
        While (
            Var ("i"),
            Seqn (
                List (
                    Asgn (
                        Var ("count"),
                        Add (Var ("count"), Num (1.0))),
                    Asgn (Var ("i"), Add (Num (1.0), Var ("i"))))))))

This abstract syntax tree text was produced using show and product. Notice how the second last Asgn node has been broken over two lines (breaking at the comma) because it would not fit in the default output width, whereas the last one has not been broken, since it fits. The other nodes in the while loop above the assignments have been broken in a similar fashion.

Omitting product, we get

    i = 10.0;
    count = 0.0;
    while (i)
            count = (count + 1.0);
            i = (1.0 + i);

Object-oriented pretty printing: special pairs

A more object-oriented approach to pretty printing is to add the conversion logic to the data classes. In this case we make the pretty printable data implement the PrettyPrintable class of the pretty printer and override the toDoc method to provide custom conversion.

First, we define a pretty printer and import its members into the current scope.

object MyPrettyPrinter extends org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.output.PrettyPrinter

import MyPrettyPrinter._

Now consider two classes that implement a special kind of pair whose components are a special kind of integer.

class MyPair (val l : MyInt, val r : MyInt) extends PrettyPrintable {
    override def toDoc : Doc =
        brackets (l.toDoc <> ":" <> r.toDoc)

class MyInt (val i : Int) extends PrettyPrintable {
    override def toDoc : Doc =
        value (i) <> "!"

The MyPair and MyInt classes are PrettyPrintable and their toDoc methods provide the desired custom conversion for those types.

The program can create a MyPair and pretty print it as follows.

val l = new MyPair (new MyInt (1), new MyInt (2))
println (pretty (l))

The result is as follows.



Expression-oriented languages use parentheses to control the application of operators. We can print such programs with parentheses around every expression and be sure that the printed program will respect the operator precedence and associativity that was intended.

Alternatively, we can just put in parentheses where they are needed. For example, if we are printing 1 + 2 + 3 then parentheses are not needed at all, but in (1 + 2) * 3 we need the parentheses around 1 + 2 but not another set around the whole expression.

Kiama includes the org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.output.ParenPrettyPrinter trait that makes it easy to define pretty-printers that perform minimal parenthesisation. The module uses algorithms published by Norman Ramsey in his paper “Unparsing expressions with prefix and postfix operators” (Software: Practice and Experience, 28 (12), 1998). See the Oberon0 example for an illustration.

Output filters

The module org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.output.Filters provides functions that may be usefully applied after pretty-printing.

Sometimes the pretty-printed output is designed to go in fixed space. The filters keepMaxChars and keepMaxLines can be used to discard excess characters or lines. E.g., keepMaxLines (5) (s) will return the first five lines of s or the whole of s if s contains fewer than five lines.

Similarly, maxWords filters to a maximum word limit.

Finally, keepMaxIndent (n, s) filters s by replacing all runs of consecutive lines that have indentation at least n spaces with "..." indented by n spaces. Thus, keepMaxIndent can be used to summarise s by omitting information nested below a certain level. An optional extra argument can be used to specify alternatives to "...".

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