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Example: More advanced implementation of lambda calculus

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An implementation of simply-typed lambda calculus with a selection of evaluation mechanisms. Name and type analysis are implemented using Attribution and the evaluation mechanisms are implemented using Rewriting. A read-eval-print loop enables expressions to be parsed, semantically checked and then evaluated with a user-selected mechanism.

Abstract syntax

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.LambdaTree.scala

Programs for this example consist of expressions represented by the Exp type. Exp extends Attributable so that later we can define attributes for expressions.

abstract class Exp extends Attributable with Positional

Leaf expressions are integer numbers (Num) or variables (Var).

case class Num (value : Int) extends Exp
case class Var (name : Idn) extends Exp
type Idn = String

A lambda expression (Lam) creates an anonymous function with a single formal argument of a given type and a body expression that may refer to that argument. The variable name does not have to be unique.

case class Lam (name : Idn, tipe : Type, body : Exp) extends Exp

An application (App) applies a function to an actual argument expression.

case class App (l : Exp, r : Exp) extends Exp

Primitive binary operations are represented by Opn instances.

case class Opn (op : Op, left : Exp, right : Exp) extends Exp

For some evaluation mechanisms, a single substitution is represented explicitly as a Let instance. In a Let we are substituting all occurrences of the variable name in body with exp.

case class Let (name : Idn, tipe : Type, exp : Exp, body : Exp) extends Exp

Other evaluation mechanisms use parallel subsitutions, represented by Letp instances. All of the bindings in a Letp are applied in parallel to the body.

case class Letp (bindings : List[Bind], body : Exp) extends Exp
case class Bind (name : Idn, tipe : Type, exp : Exp)


File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.LambdaTree.scala

It is possible to support a large variety of primitive types, but adding new ones does not really add anything meaningful to the example. Hence, we only support a single primitive integer type.

abstract class Type
case object IntType extends Type

Functions are represented by a FunType that gives the type of the function argument and the type of its result.

case class FunType (arg : Type, res : Type) extends Type


File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.LambdaTree.scala

Primitive binary operations are represented by Op instances. Each Op subclass provides an evaluation method to actually run the primitive on two integer values.

abstract class Op {
    def eval (l : Int, r : Int) : Int

As for types, we could easily support a large variety of primitive operations, but we choose to just support a couple to keep things simple.

case object AddOp extends Op {
    def eval (l : Int, r : Int) = l + r

case object SubOp extends Op {
    def eval (l : Int, r : Int) = l - r

Pretty printing

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.PrettyPrinter.scala

The result of an expression evaluation is pretty printed using a straight-forward functional application of Kiama’s pretty-printing library.

object PrettyPrinter extends org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.output.PrettyPrinter {

    import AST._

     * Return a pretty-printed version of an expression.
    def pretty (t : Exp) : String =
        super.pretty (show (t))

     * Return a pretty-printed version of a type.
    def pretty (t : Type) : String =
        super.pretty (showtype (t))

     * Convert an expression node to a pretty-printing document in
     * fully-parenthesised style.
    private def show (t : Exp) : Doc =
        t match {
            case Num (d)       => value (d)
            case Var (i)       => i
            case Lam (i, t, e) => parens ('\\' <> text (i) <>
                                          showtypedecl (t) <+> '.' <+>
                                          group (nest (show (e))))
            case App (e1, e2)  => parens (show (e1) <+> show (e2))

            case Opn (AddOp, l, r) => showbin (l, "+", r)
            case Opn (SubOp, l, r) => showbin (l, "-", r)

            case Let (i, t, e1, e2) =>
                parens ("let" <+> text (i) <> showtypedecl (t) <+> '=' <>
                        nest (line <> show (e1)) <+> "in" <>
                        nest (line <> show (e2)))
            case Letp (bs, e) =>
                parens ("letp" <+>
                        nest (line <> vsep ( (b => text (b.i) <+> '=' <+> show (b.e)))) <+>
                        "in" <>
                        nest (line <> show (e)))

     * Return a pretty-printing document for an instance of a type declaration.
    private def showtypedecl (t : Type) : Doc =
        if (t == null)
            space <> ':' <+> showtype (t)

     * Return a pretty-printing document for an instance of a type.
    private def showtype (t : Type) : Doc =
        t match {
            case IntType          => "Int"
            case FunType (t1, t2) => showtype (t1) <+> "->" <+> showtype (t2)

     * Return a pretty-printing document for an instance of a binary expression.
    private def showbin (l : Exp, op : String, r : Exp) : Doc =
        parens (show (l) <+> op <+> show (r))



File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.SyntaxAnalyser.scala

The parser is a simple application of Scala’s parser combinators. (See the Imperative example for more explanation of a similar parser.) Types are optional in the lambda expressions, controlled by the setting of typecheck which can be set by the user in the REPL.

lazy val start : PackratParser[Exp] =

lazy val exp : PackratParser[Exp] =
    "\\" ~> idn ~ (":" ~> itype) ~ ("." ~> exp) ^^ Lam |

def itype =
    if (typecheck) (":" ~> ttype) else ("" ^^^ null)

lazy val exp2 : PackratParser[Exp] =
    exp2 ~ op ~ exp1 ^^ Opn |

lazy val exp1 : PackratParser[Exp] =
    exp1 ~ exp0 ^^ App |

lazy val exp0 : PackratParser[Exp] =
    number | idn ^^ Var | "(" ~> exp <~ ")"

lazy val ttype : PackratParser[Type] =
    ttype0 ~ ("->" ~> ttype) ^^ FunType |

lazy val ttype0 : PackratParser[Type] =
    "Int" ^^^ IntType |
    "(" ~> ttype <~ ")"

lazy val op =
    "+" ^^^ AddOp |
    "-" ^^^ SubOp

lazy val idn =

lazy val number =
    "[0-9]+".r ^^ (s => Num (s.toInt))

Name and type analysis

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda.Analyser.scala

After an abstract syntax tree has been built, we check it for semantic correctness. In this example that means we make sure that each variable use has a definition as a formal argument in an enclosing lambda expression. Also, we make sure that the types are used correctly. For example, values that are applied have to be functions and the actual argument in the application has to have a type that is the same as the formal argument type of the function being applied.

The example code provides two schemes for achieving this kind of semantic analysis, which are described in the next two sections.

An Environment-based Analysis

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda.Analyser.scala

A classical solution to this kind of analysis problem is to construct an environment (usually called a symbol table in a compiler setting) that contains information about the variables that have been declared and their types.

We define the env attribute of an expression to be a list of the variables that are in scope at that expression and their types. env depends on the context of the expression, so it is defined by a childAttr definition.

val env : Exp => List[(Idn,Type)] =
    childAttr {
        case _ => {
            ... cases ...

If we are at the root of the tree, then no variables are in scope. In other words, there are no pre-defined variables.

case null => List ()

Immediately inside a lambda expression we know that the formal argument of the lambda expression is in scope, in addition to all of the things that are in scope from expressions that enclose the lambda expression.

case p @ Lam (x, t, _) => (x,t) :: p->env

Finally, if neither of the first two cases apply, then the parent doesn’t matter and we just propagate the request up the tree.

case p : Exp => p->env

These definitions mean that a request for env at a particular node will be answered by looking upward in the tree collecting one variable at each lambda expression that is encountered on the way to the root.

With env in hand, we can define an attribute tipe (since type is a Scala keyword) that returns the type of an expression. We use the AST node type Type to represent types rather than create another representation.

val tipe : Exp => Type =
    attr {
        ... cases ...

A number is always of integer type.

case Num (_) => IntType

A lambda expression is always of function type, where the argument type is given by the lambda expression itself (t) and the result type is the type of the body expression (e).

case Lam (_, t, e) => FunType (t, e->tipe)

The result of a primitive operation is always of integer type, but the operation is only legal if the two arguments are integers.

case Opn (op, e1, e2) => if (e1->tipe != IntType)
                             message (e1, "expected Int, found " + (e1->tipe))
                         if (e2->tipe != IntType)
                             message (e2, "expected Int, found " + (e2->tipe))

For an application there are three cases to consider. The correct case is when the type of the expression (e1->tipe) is a function and its argument type (t1) is the same as the type of the argument (e2->tipe). In this case the type of the application is the result type of the function (t2). The other two cases signal errors. First, the type of the actual argument may not be correct. Second, the expression being applied might not be a function at all.

case App (e1, e2) => e1->tipe match {
                         case FunType (t1, t2) if t1 == e2->tipe => t2
                         case FunType (t1, t2) =>
                             message (e2, "expected " + t1 + ", found " + (e2->tipe))
                         case _ =>
                             message (e1, "application of non-function")

Finally, the case that requires env. If the expression we are examining is a variable reference, we search for that variable in the environment at that expression. If we find it, then we use the type of the binding that we found. Otherwise, we report an unknown variable.

case e @ Var (x) => (e->env).find { case (y,_) => x == y } match {
                        case Some ((_, t)) => t
                        case None =>
                            message (e, "'" + x + "' unknown")

A Reference-based Analysis

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda.Analyser.scala

Instead of building a separate environment structure to keep track of variables that are in scope, we can use the tree itself. In this approach we resolve variable references by searching the tree for the relevant binding lambda expression and, if it is found, we just use a reference to that node instead of to an entry in an environment.

It is easiest to understand if we first look at the variable reference case for the tipe attribute. (All of the other cases are the same.) In this version we have a parameterised lookup attribute whose parameter is the variable for which we are looking. lookups value is an Option that is either some lambda expression node in which the variable we are seeking is declared, or None, representing that there is no such declaration. In the former case, we can just extract the type from the lambda expression. In the latter, we signal an error.

case e @ Var (x) => (e->lookup (x)) match {
                        case Some (Lam (_, t, _)) => t
                        case None =>
                            message (e, "'" + x + "' unknown")

lookup is also defined easily as a search up the tree, similar to env except that it doesn’t accumulate bindings, it just returns the relevant one if it finds it. The first case is when we have found a lambda expression that declares the variable we are looking for. The second case is when we get to the root without having found a declaration. The third case deals with all other situations by just propagating the request to the parent node.

def lookup (name : Idn) : Exp => Option[Lam] =
    attr {
        case e @ Lam (x, t, _) if x == name => Some (e)
        case e if e isRoot                  => None
        case e                              => e.parent[Exp]->lookup (name)

Evaluation mechanisms

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.Evaluators.scala

The example includes a number of different evaluation mechanisms defined by rewrite rules. The evaluation strategies used are heavily based on the Stratego ones given in Building Interpreters with Rewriting Strategies, Eelco Dolstra and Eelco Visser, LDTA 2002. The following sections give an overview of the Kiama implementation but the paper should be consulted for full details on how they work.

Repeated reduction with meta-level substitution

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.Reduce.scala

The standard evaluation rule for lambda calculus is beta reduction which we can write as follows, given a function that performs variable substitution.

lazy val beta =
    rule {
        case App (Lam (x, _, e1), e2) => substitute (x, e2, e1)

Substitution can be coded easily as a regular Scala function. In the second case, an auxiliary function freshvar is used to come up with a variable name that has not been used elsewhere.

def substitute (x : Idn, e2: Exp, e1 : Exp) : Exp =
    e1 match {
        case Var (y) if x == y =>
        case Lam (y, t, e3) =>
            val z = freshvar ()
            Lam (z, t, substitute (x, e2, substitute (y, Var (z), e3)))
        case App (l, r) =>
            App (substitute (x, e2, l), substitute (x, e2, r))
        case Opn (op, l, r) =>
            Opn (op, substitute (x, e2, l), substitute (x, e2, r))
        case e =>

We also need to be able to evaluate primitive operations, for which we just delegate to the operation.

lazy val arithop =
    rule {
        case Opn (op, Num (l), Num (r)) => Num (op.eval (l, r))

We put this all together into a single strategy that repeatedly tries to apply beta and arithop to the expression being evaluated, stopping when neither applies to any (sub)expression.

lazy val s =
    reduce (beta + arithop)

Finally, we define eval that applies s to a particular expression.

def eval (exp : Exp) : Exp =
    rewrite (s) (exp)

Repeated reduction with explicit substitution

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.ReduceSubst.scala

Instead of encoding substitution separately, we can incorporate it into the language and the rewrite rules by using Let constructs to represents places where substitutions need to be applied. Beta reduction then becomes simply an introduction of a substitution.

override lazy val beta =
    rule {
        case App (Lam (x, t, e1), e2) => Let (x, t, e2, e1)

A suite of new rules actually perform substitutions in different cases.

lazy val subsNum =
    rule {
        case Let (_, _, _, e : Num) => e

lazy val subsVar =
    rule {
        case Let (x, _, e, Var (y)) if x == y => e
        case Let (_, _, _, v : Var)           => v

lazy val subsApp =
    rule {
        case Let (x, t, e, App (e1, e2)) =>
            App (Let (x, t, e, e1), Let (x, t, e, e2))

lazy val subsLam =
    rule {
        case Let (x, t1, e1, Lam (y, t2, e2)) if x == y =>
            Lam (y, t2, e2)
        case Let (x, t1, e1, Lam (y, t2, e2)) =>
            val z = freshvar ()
            Lam (z, t2, Let (x, t1, e1, Let (y, t2, Var (z), e2)))

lazy val subsOpn =
    rule {
        case Let (x, t, e1, Opn (op, e2, e3)) =>
            Opn (op, Let (x, t, e1, e2), Let (x, t, e1, e3))

We combine everything in a single evaluation strategy, reusing arithop from the previous section.

lazy val lambda =
    beta + arithop + subsNum + subsVar + subsApp + subsLam + subsOpn

Finally, evaluation is just repeated reduction using the lambda rule.

override lazy val s =
    reduce (lambda)

Innermost evaluation

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.InnermostSubst.scala

An alternative to reduce is to explicitly use an innermost strategy so that the order of evaluation is more precisely defined. In some cases, this can reduce the amount of work that has to be done.

We just need to redefine s. All of the other strategies stay the same from the previous section.

override lazy val s : Strategy =
    innermost (lambda)

The Kiama library has an innermost strategy which will do here, but it is more efficient to remember the results of reductions so that they do not have to be done again. This version uses Kiama’s memo combinator to memoise the results.

def innermost (s : => Strategy) : Strategy =
    memo (all (innermost (s) <* attempt (s <* innermost (s))))

Eager evaluation

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.EagerSubst.scala

Some functional languages such as the ML family use an eager evaluation method where the arguments to functions are evaluated before they are substituted into the body of the function. We can implement that in the example by encoding a traversal that guides our evaluation strategy to the parts that should be evaluated.

override lazy val s : Strategy =
    attempt (App (s, s) + Let (id, id, s, s) + Opn (id, s, s)) <*
    attempt (lambda <* s)

In this definition, the congruences will apply s to the sub-expressions that should be evaluated at each point. Once sub-expressions have been evaluated the evaluation rule will be applied to the current expression root and then evaluation will be repeated via the recursive call. lambda here is the same as in the previous section.

Eager evaluation calls for evaluation to move into applications, substitutions and primitive operations. Note that the argument e2 in an application is evaluated before lambda will be applied to the application.

Lazy evaluation

File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.LazySubst.scala

Instead of evaluating function arguments before substitution, we can use lazy evaluation where arguments are only evaluated if and when they are needed. In the example this is easy to achieve, just by replacing the congruences with versions that do not evaluate function arguments or the bound expressions in substitutions.

override lazy val s : Strategy =
    attempt (App (s, id) + Let (id, id, id, s) + Opn (id, s, s)) <*
    attempt (lambda <* s)

Parallel substitution

Files: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.ParEagerSubst.scala org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.ParLazySubst.scala

Variants of eager and lazy evaluation can be written that manage substitutions in parallel rather than in sequence as in the earlier sections. Since this page is long enough already, we direct the reader to the source to see these versions work. As well as the two linked here, there are versions of the lazy parallel evaluator that share and update results as evaluation proceeds.


File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.Lambda.scala

The example code includes a read-eval-print loop that reads an expression from the user, parses the expression, performs semantic analysis on the tree and then evaluates it. Different evaluation mechanisms can be chosen using the :eval command in the REPL.

To run the read-eval-print loop:

sbt 'main org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.Lambda'
Enter lambda calculus expressions for evaluation.
lambda> (\x : Int . 99) 42
lambda2> (\x : Int . 3 + 4)
(\x : Int . 7)
lambda2> :eval
Available evaluation mechanisms:
  reduce (current)
lambda2> :eval lazysubst
lambda2> (\x : Int . 3 + 4) 99
lambda2> (\x : Int . 3 + 4)
(\x : Int . (3 + 4))
lambda2> (\x : Int . y) 42
1.13: 'y' unknown
lambda2> (\x : Int . x 42) 99
1.13: application of non-function


File: org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.LambdaTests.scala

Some simple tests of lambda calculus evaluation using all of the strategies.

sbt 'test-only org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.example.lambda2.LambdaTests'

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