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Overview of Kiama’s support for attribute grammars

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This page provides an overview of Kiama’s support for attribute grammars. For the context in which this part of the library operates, see Context. For a description of Kiama’s support for relations, particularly in trees, and how they can be used in attribution, see Relations.

Attribute grammars are used in the following examples.

More information about Kiama attribute grammars can be found via the Research page.


Language constructs frequently have properties that a language processor must compute. Examples include types for expressions and variables in programming language compilers, values of expressions in interpreters, or metrics for classes or methods in software analysis tools. Attribute grammars are a well known technique for specifying how to compute properties, called attributes, of constructs by defining their values in terms of the attribute values of related constructs. Traditional attribute grammar systems take as input the equations that define the attributes and generate a program that can evaluate the attributes for a tree that represents a particular program.

Kiama supports attribute grammars in the form of first-class attribute values that compute properties of Scala data structures. In many cases the data structures are trees but graphs are also supported. The style of attribute grammars supported by Kiama is closely related to those of the JastAdd system in that attributes are evaluated on demand and their values can be cached to avoid recomputation.

Kiama attributes are defined as functions by normal Scala code rather than being generated as method definitions from a special-purpose attribute grammar language as in the JastAdd system. The Kiama approach enables attributes to be defined on a pre-existing class hierarchy.

The Kiama attribute grammar library is made available by the class org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.attribution.Attribution. Extend that class to build a module that uses attribution.

To get full support for pattern matching in attribute definitions it is best to use data structures constructed from instances of case classes as described in Context.


To illustrate the basic idea of attribute grammars in Kiama, consider the following well-known simple problem, usually called Repmin. The aim is to process a binary tree containing integer values at the leaves. The output for a given tree should be a new tree with the same structure as the input tree but with each leaf replaced by a leaf that contains the minimum leaf value from the entire input tree. Thus, some analysis of the input tree is required as well as production of a new tree.

Suppose that the tree structure for Repmin is defined as follows.

sealed abstract class RepminTree extends Product
case class Fork(left : RepminTree, right : RepminTree) extends RepminTree
case class Leaf(value : Int) extends RepminTree

If the input tree is

Fork (Leaf (3), Fork (Leaf (1), Leaf (10)))

we want to see the following tree as output.

Fork (Leaf (1), Fork (Leaf (1), Leaf (1)))


If you were not using attribute grammars, you would probably program some traversals of the tree, perhaps using the Visitor design pattern. One traversal might collect the minimum leaf value and another might build the output tree using that value. In an attribute grammar approach we just define the attributes of different nodes in the tree in terms of attributes of adjacent nodes. No explicit traversal is encoded; it is implicit in the dependencies between the attributes.

A common method for designing an attribute grammar is to reason backwards from the information that we want. In this case, we want a tree that contains leaves that are the minimum value of the original tree. This suggests that the output should be an attribute of the root of the input tree whose value is the output tree. In Kiama this attribute signature would look like this:

val repmin : RepminTree => RepminTree

In the type of repmin the => indicates that repmin is a function, in this case from type RepminTree to type RepminTree. We can use repmin as an ordinary function without having to worry about its extra attribute behaviour, such as caching its results.

To define repmin we will need to know the minimum leaf value of the input tree. Let’s define another attribute for that.

val globmin : RepminTree => Int

Finally, to define the globmin attribute we will need to recursively compute the mimima in each sub-tree of the input tree. We use a locmin attribute for those values.

val locmin : RepminTree => Int

Defining attributes

Having determined which attributes we want, we now proceed to define them. To define repmin we assume that globmin is already available. The repmin of a leaf node is just a new leaf containing the global minimum. The repmin of a pair node is just a new pair containing the repmin trees of the pair’s children. In Kiama these equations can be stated as follows.

val repmin : Tree => Tree =
    attr {
        case Fork(l, r) => Fork(repmin(l), repmin(r))
        case t : Leaf   => Leaf(globmin(t))

Standard Scala pattern matching suffices to distinguish between the two different cases. The attr function creates the attribute value based on the equations. attr can be regarded as packaging the equations up as a function and wrapping them in caching behaviour so that an attribute of a node is evaluated at most once.

Continuing with the other Repmin attributes, we can define the local minimum as follows.

val locmin : Tree => Int =
    attr {
        case Fork(l, r) => locmin(l).min(locmin(r))
        case Leaf(v)    => v

In this definition the local minimum at a leaf node is the value at that leaf and the minimum at a pair is the minimum of the minima of the two sub-trees.

Finally, the global minimum can be defined as follows.

val globmin : Tree => Int =
    attr {
        case tree.parent(p) =>
        case t =>

Tree relations

The definition of globmin uses a value tree that encapsulates relational information about the abstract syntax tree. We can use it to examine the tree structure to help us decide which equation to use. For example, in globmin we match tree.parent(p) which uses the parent relation to see if the node we are at has a parent. If it does have a parent, the match will succeed and p will be bound to that parent. Thus, the first case of globmin asks the parent for its globmin. The second case will only be used if the first fails, in other words, if the node has no parent. In that case, we just use locmin since a node with no parent is the root of the tree and its globmin is the same as its locmin.

The only question remaining is “where does tree come from”? It is usually created by the module that builds the attribution module and passed as a constructor argument.

import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.relation.Tree

class Repmin(tree : Tree[RepminTree, RepminTree]) extends Attribution {
    ... attributes go here ...

The type Tree takes two type parameters: one to specify the type of the tree nodes, and another to specify the type of the root of the tree. In this example they are both RepminTree.

If ast is the root of the actual abstract syntax tree, then the following code is typical to create a Tree for that AST, make an attribute module that uses it, and then use the attributes.

val tree = new Tree[RepminTree,RepminTree](ast)
val repmin = new Repmin(tree)
... use repmin.globmin etc ...

Kiama’s tree relation support includes other relations such as prev and next for the previous and next nodes at the same level, or firstChild to get the first child of a node. See the documentation of Kiama’s Tree class for more details.

Embedding attribute grammars

Repmin illustrates the main ideas of attribute grammars and their incarnation in Kiama. Attributes of tree nodes are defined in terms of either basic values or of attributes of adjacent nodes. An evaluation mechanism behind the scenes takes care of evaluating the attributes when they are needed and remembering their values in case they are needed again.

In most attribute grammar systems the equations are processed by a generator to produce an attribute evaluator. In Kiama the equations are themselves a program that can be compiled and executed without any special processing. As a result, attributes can easily be used from other Scala code, just by regarding the attribute as a function.

The rest of this page summarises the Kiama attribute library, particularly focussing on features not used in the Repmin example.

Attribute definitions

Many attributes can be defined using the attr function as seen in the Repmin example. As noted earlier, attributes cache their results so that if they are called more than once on a particular node, the attribute computation is only performed the first time. You can clear the cache using an attribute’s reset method, but this is rarely needed. Cached attributes also have a method hasBeenComputedAt which can be used to determine whether an attribute has already been computed at a particular node.

Reference attributes

Attribute grammar systems such as JastAdd provide so-called reference attributes whose values are references to nodes in the tree that is being attributed. Reference attributes are useful when properties of some nodes in the tree are easily obtained at other nodes in the tree.

For example, in a programming language processor we might have declarations of identifiers as well as uses of those identifiers. In a process called name analysis the processor will want to associate each use with its corresponding declaration, reporting an error if no such declaration can be found. A reference attribute of an identifier use can be used to point directly to the associated declaration node.

Reference attributes can be defined in Kiama just like other attribute values. Nothing special needs to be done to represent the reference; it’s just a normal Scala reference. See the Dataflow example for attributes that are defined by reference to represent the control flow of a program.

Reference attributes may also refer to nodes in newly-constructed pieces of tree. This might be useful if the attribution is translating a construct, for example, where the new tree represents the translation. The new tree can have attributes in just the same way as the nodes in the main tree.

Parameterised attributes

A common way to define a reference attribute is by a search process within the tree. For example, to look up an identifier use we might define a lookup attribute that takes the identifier to be looked up and returns a reference to the declaration node, or null if one is not found. We say that lookup is a parameterised attribute since its definition depends on the identifier that is being looked up.

Kiama provides a paramAttr function to assist with defining parameterised attributes. For example, the lookup attribute in the Kiama PicoJava example is defined as follows so that it is parameterised by a string name.

val lookup : String => PicoJavaNode => Decl =
    paramAttr {
        name =>
                case ... =>
                case ... =>

paramAttr provides caching behaviour for parameterised attributes where the attributes are cached using both the parameter value and the tree node as the key. Instead of using paramAttr, it is also possible to define parameterised attributes as normal methods that return attributes as shown next. The difference is that the parameter will not be taken into account when caching, plus the parameter and the node are provided in separate parameter lists.

def a (t : T) : U => V =
    attr {

Circular attributes

Attributes as defined so far cannot depend on themselves. If the value of an attribute is needed during its own evaluation, that evaluation will be terminated with an error reporting a cycle in the attribute dependencies.

In some cases cycles in the dependencies are natural because the attributes being defined need to be evaluated repeatedly until a fixed point is reached. We call attributes of this kind circular attributes following the terminology of systems such as JastAdd. Kiama provides the circular function to enable circular attributes to be defined. The general form is

val a : U => V =
    circular (v) {
        case ... => ...

In this definition v (of type V) is the initial value of the attribute and the cases are used to define subsequent values in terms of other, possibly circular, attributes.

See the Dataflow example for an illustration of the use of circular attributes to define iterative dataflow equations to compute live variables for an imperative programming language.

Tree splicing (Kiama 1.x only)

Encodings of translations using attribute grammars commonly use tree splicing to connect an original tree (representing the thing that is being translated) to a new tree or trees (representing the translation).

As we have seen above with the globmin attribute, it is easy to have attributes whose values are trees. Tree splicing adds one more twist: the root of the tree that is spliced-in gains a parent, rather than being parentless as in the globmin case. This new parent is useful if computations on the spliced tree need to be able to access their context (represented by the parent and its ancestors).

See the Transform example for an illustration of this technique to support user-defined operator priorities in an expression language.

Tree splicing is easily achieved by defining an attribute using the tree attribute function. tree operates just like attr except that it also performs the splicing operation. Here is the relevant snippet from the Transform example.

val ast : ExpR => Exp =
    tree {
       case e => op_tree(e)

ExpR is the type of expression nodes in the original tree. Each ExpR node has an op_tree attribute which defines a translation of that node, just as globmin defines a translation of a Repmin node. The ast attribute causes the op_tree value to be spliced in so that the new tree has the same parent as the node in the old tree. In other words, ast(n) will have the same value as op_tree(n) but will also have the same parent as n.

Using a tree splice, we can explicitly access attributes of new trees, via the nodes in the old tree. For example, if we want to access the errors attribute of the translation of node n, we can use errors(ast(n)). The computation of the errors attribute has access to the context of node n since the ast attribute is spliced in.

Attribute forwarding

It is sometimes desirable to refer to attributes such as errors implicitly instead of specifying the exact access path via a spliced tree. For example, we might like to refer to errors(n) and have that forwarded automatically to the ast attribute. This idea allows us to decouple the use of the attribute errors from the precise way in which its value is computed (by passing it off to the ast attribute). Thus, the details of the latter can vary without requiring all uses of errors to be updated.

In our example, we can add forwarding by simply making the definition of ast an implicit Scala definition. The right-hand side of the definition is the same as before.

implicit val ast : ExpR => Exp = ...

Thus, if we try to evaluate errors(n), where n is an ExpR, but errors is defined only on Exp nodes, the implicit conversion will kick in to convert n to an Exp.


The module org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.attribution.Decorators provides decorators that implement short-hand notation for common patterns of attribution.

The simplest decorator provided by this module is down. The idea is to capture the pattern of attribution where an attribute is only defined at some nodes in the tree, perhaps just at the root. At nodes where the attribute is not defined, we want to use the value of the attribute at the closest ancestor node where it is defined. In other words, we want to copy the attribute value from that closest ancestor down to the node where we need it. Since this pattern is general, the down decorator captures it so it can be reused.

down has the following signature:

def down[U](default : T => U)(a : T ==> U) : CachedAttribute[T, U] = {

The parameter a is a partial function that defines the behaviour of the attribute at those nodes where it is defined directly. Wherever a is not defined the decorator will ask the parent for the value. The parameter default is a function to use on a node that has no parent.

T ==> U is an alias for the Scala library type PartialFunction[T,U]. You can obtain the ==> type constructor for use in your own code by importing it from the org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama package:

import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.==>

There are other variants of down that a) take a default value rather than a function, and b) throw an error if the root is reached (but a is not defined there). The atRoot decorator is the same as down with a default function when a is not defined anywhere.

The other decorator provided by the library at the moment is chain. It enables you to thread a value through a tree, going past every node. As the value goes past a node, either downwards on its way to the node’s children or upwards to the node’s parent, functions that are supplied to the decorator can be used to update its value in a problem-specific way.

To see the chain decorator in action, see the name analysis portion of the Oberon0 example. In that example, a chain is used to thread an environment of bindings through the tree that represents a program. The chain is updated at nodes that represent identifier definitions to add those definitions to the environment. The chain is also updated at blocks to define nested scopes. Finally, it is accessed at identifier use nodes in order to check those uses against the environment at that point.

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