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Overview of Kiama’s support for attribute grammars

Up: Context, Next: Collections

The easiest choice of representation for a data structure that is to be manipulated by Kiama is one that comprises instances of Scala case classes (or case objects, which are singleton case classes). These classes can have fields that are instances of other cases classes, or are of some non-structured type (integer, double, string, etc)

For example, the following declarations define a structure to represent expressions in a programming language.

abstract class Exp
case class Num (d : Int) extends Exp
case class Var (s : String) extends Exp
case class Neg (e : Exp) extends Exp
case class Add (l : Exp, r : Exp) extends Exp
case class Sub (l : Exp, r : Exp) extends Exp
case class Mul (l : Exp, r : Exp) extends Exp
case class Div (l : Exp, r : Exp) extends Exp

and an instance of this structure can be created as follows

Add (Num (3), Var ("sum"))

representing the expression

3 + sum

Repeated constructs

It is often useful to represent repeated constructs and optional ones. Repeated constructs are encoded in a Kiama-compatible way using a Scala sequence (of type Seq). For example, the following definitions use this approach to represent statement sequences.

abstract class Stmt
case class Null () extends Stmt
case class Seqn (ss : Seq[Stmt]) extends Stmt
case class Asgn (s : Idn, e : Exp) extends Stmt
case class While (e : Exp, b : Stmt) extends Stmt

With these definitions, since a List is a kind of Seq constructed using case classes, the following expression

Seqn (List (Asgn ("sum", Num (0)),
            Asgn ("i", Num (10)),
            While (Var ("i"),
                   List (Asgn ("sum", Add (Var ("sum"), Var ("i"))),
                         Asgn ("i", Sub (Var ("i"), Num (1)))))))

represents the program fragment

sum = 0;
i = 10;
while (i) {
    sum = sum + i;
    i = i - 1;

Note that Scala List values are implemented using the case class :: and the case object Nil. Thus, they conform to the assumption here that all non-primitive values are constructed from case classes or case objects.

(It is also possible to use a Scala iterated formal parameter to encode a repeated construct, but in our experience it’s not worth it, since iterated parameters can only appear at the end of a parameter list and repeated constructs often occur in other positions. Also, matching iterated parameters can be a bit more complicated. The price to be paid for not using iterated parameters is that construction is more complex since the sequence must be explicitly constructed, but this usually only happens in a few places, so it’s not much of a burden.)

Optional constructs

An optional construct should be encoded using a Scala Option type (which is implemented using the case class Some and the case object None). For example to represent class declarations in a Java-like language, we might use

case class IdUse (Name : String)
case class ClassDecl (Name : String, Superclass : Option[IdUse],
                      Body : Block) extends TypeDecl

so that

ClassDecl ("Object", None, ...)
ClassDecl ("ColouredPoint", Some (IdUse ("Point")), ...)


class Object { ... }
class ColouredPoint extends Point { ... }

Other collections

List and option children in the tree structure are special cases of collection nodes. Since they are implemented by case classes or objects there is no special processing required.

Kiama also supports nodes that are collections that are not implemented as case classes or objects. See Collections for more information.

What can you do

Structures encoded using these approaches can be rewritten or can have attribute values defined for them. Rewriting really only makes sense if the structure is a tree, whereas attribution can also be applied to graph structures.

Be wary of case objects and attribution

If you intend to perform attribution, you almost certainly don’t want to use case objects in your structure, except for things such as empty lists or missing optional values. Since there is only one instance of a case object, all of its occurrences in the structure will share attributes, which is probably not what you want. For this reason, you should probably avoid computing attributes directly of lists and options, since if the value is Nil or None then the attributes will be shared with all other empty lists or missing options.

The main alternative to computing attributes of case objects is to use a case class instead. For example, in the statement definition above, a case class is used for null statements, because each null statement needs to have a different identity. If you want to have attributes of a list or option value, wrap the list or option in a case class instance and compute the attributes on that value instead.

Generic structure access

On rare occasions you will want to access your structure in a generic way. For example, you might want to write a method that takes an expression and iterates over its children. Iterating over the children of case class instances is automatically provided in Scala because the compiler implements the Product interface for every case class.

However, an abstract class such as Exp or Stmt above will not expose the Product interface. Therefore, if you want to process expressions or statements in a generic way, you will want to declare those classes as follows:

abstract class Exp extends Product
abstract class Stmt extends Product

You may want to obtain more generic support for your tree nodes. The Attributable class and object in Kiama’s attribution module provides some useful facilities for this purpose.


It is common to want to attach position (coordinate) information to your structure to help with producing sensible messages. See the Positions section of the Parser Combinator page for a discussion of how to do this when using Scala parser combinators and Messaging for information on how the positions can be used.

Up: Context, Next: Collections